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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: JEDI AND SITH WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENTEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Jori Daragon's amulet
Type: Sith amulet
Place of origin: Sith Empire
Culture: Sith
Date created: By 5000 BBY
Date discovered: By 3963 BBY
Owners: Naga Sadow, Jori Daragon, Jedi Covenant
Shape: Gauntlet with chains
Size: Palm-sized
Color: Silver and yellow
Material(s): Gemstone, Metal
Purpose: Focusing Sith magic, Storing messages
Affiliation: Sith Empire
Cost: Not Available for Sale
Availability: 4,X

Game Notes: A force empowered amulet, which can grant the wielder enhanced force abilities, by accessing the Dark Side of the Force. In use it grants the wielder +1D in all Force Skills, but will grant a Dark Side Point to anyone using it for this purpose if they do not currently have any Dark Side Points. The Amulet can also be used to record and replay recordings, but this ability does not give any Dark Side Points when using either the record or replay ability, but does make any force sensitives around it feel the presence of the Dark Side, and everyone present will feel a tingling sensation.

Description: Jori Daragon's amulet was an artifact created in the Sith Empire at some point by 5000 BBY. Shaped like an ornamental gauntlet, it had a connection to another similar amulet. When the hyperspace scouts Gav and Jori Daragon arrived in the empire from Galactic Republic space in 5000 BBY, the Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow planned to use the imprisoned siblings in his plot to expand the empire through conquest of the Republic. Keeping the Daragons separated from each other, Sadow allowed Gav, whom he had been training in the use of Sith magic, to record an inspirational message for Jori on his amulet's counterpart, which the Dark Lord then delivered to Jori. After she had viewed the message, Sadow further returned to Jori the Daragons' impounded starship, the Starbreaker 12. Sadow's manipulations eventually led to Jori being forced to depart for the Republic without Gav, with the amulet serving her as a reminder of her brother.

After arriving in the Republic's Koros system, Daragon eventually managed to reach the system's empress, Teta, and warn her and a pair of Jedi who were present of the danger posed by the Sith Empire, showing the amulet as physical evidence of her account. Soon thereafter, the empire indeed launched an invasion of the Republic, during which Gav, who had been appointed the commander of the Sith fleet, used the coupling between the two amulets in an attempt to find Jori on the planet Koros Major. Upon experiencing remorse over his affiliation with Sadow, however, Gav then traveled to the Primus Goluud system to confront the Dark Lord, but Sadow trapped him in a crippled ship and caused a nearby star to undergo a supernova. At that point, Jori, who had followed Gav, once again found herself peering at her amulet as she was forced to abandon her brother to his death. More than a millennium later, the Jedi Covenant Shadow Celeste Morne retrieved Daragon's amulet on one of her assignments for the Covenant.

In the Sith Empire
When, in 5000 BBY, the explorers Gav and Jori Daragon arrived in the Sith Empire as a result of a random hyperspace jump from the distant Galactic Republic space and were promptly imprisoned on the orders of the empire's suspicious Sith Lords, the Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow sought to use the situation to realize his ambitions of expanding the Sith realm through conquest. Breaking out the two prisoners, Sadow separated them, keeping Jori at his citadel on the planet Khar Delba while Gav was being instructed in the use of Sith magic at a fortress Sadow kept on the world's moon, Khar Shian.

At the latter site, Gav, who had been practicing in the use of a Sith amulet, recorded a message on its counterpart for Jori in which he briefly mentioned his training. He also informed his sister that Sadow had made "arrangements" that would allow both of them to return to the Republic and expressed his belief that they would be reunited soon. Sadow subsequently delivered the linked amulet to Jori on Khar Delba. Although the explorer was initially perplexed regarding how her brother's message could be acccessed, it presented itself shortly thereafter. Expressing gratitude to Sadow for delivering the message, Daragon held on to the amulet as the Dark Lord brought her to her and Gav's starship, the Starbreaker 12, which Sadow had also liberated from Sith impoundment.

Having been manipulated by Sadow, his rival, Ludo Kressh, at that point attacked the Khar Delba citadel. Seizing the opportunity, Sadow urged Daragon to board the Starbreaker 12 and depart for the Republic without her brother, although before the explorer ultimately complied, she gazed at the amulet in her hand, with tears welling in her eyes at the thought of abandoning Gav alone in the Sith Empire.

In the Galactic Republic
When she arrived in the Koros system, Daragon was promptly arrested for her prior misdeeds and sentenced to labor on the colony world Ronika. Dedicated to rescue her brother and warn the Republic of the threat posed by the Sith Empire, however, Daragon soon escaped and returned to the planet Koros Major, where she broke into the palace of the system's empress, Teta. As both the empress and her guards surrounded Daragon with drawn weapons, the young woman attempted to convince Teta to listen to her warnings. She also displayed the amulet, holding it up as physical proof of her tale. Teta and the Jedi Memit Nadill and Odan-Urr were then persuaded of the truthfulness of Daragon's account, and indeed soon thereafter a Sith fleet that had followed the hyperspace route taken by the Starbreaker 12 launched an invasion of the Republic, including an attack on Koros Major.

During that battle, Gav, whom Sadow had appointed the commander of the Sith fleet, attempted to find Jori. With his amulet reacting to the presence of that of his sister, Gav arrived at Aarrba's Repair Dock, where Jori was also headed in order to obtain a ship to pilot in combat. At the facility, one of Gav's Massassi soldiers killed its owner, Aarrba. The devastated commander, remorseful over his involvement in Sadow's schemes, then traveled to the Primus Goluud system in order to confront the Dark Lord.

Sadow, however, trapped his former apprentice aboard a damaged Sith Meditation Sphere and, when both a ship piloted by Jori and Teta's fleet also arrived in the system in pursuit of Gav, triggered the star Primus Goluud into undergoing a supernova explosion. Gav, realizing what Sadow had done, warned Jori and the Koros fleet of the impending disaster which he himself was unable to evade. Preparing to jump her vessel into hyperspace, Jori then once again peered at her amulet while contemplating her guilt over leaving her brother to his doom.

After the Republic eventually emerged victorious over the Sith Empire, Jori became the new owner of Aarrba's Repair Dock. At some point by 3963 BBY, the Jedi Covenant's Shadow Celeste Morne recovered Daragon's amulet for the organization, with the accomplishment being recorded in a database the Covenant kept on its Shadows. When the Covenant member Feln viewed Morne's record that year, he was highly impressed with her past assignments, including the retrieval of the amulet.

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