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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: TransportEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Type: Light Freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 25 Meters
Skill: Space Transports: D5-Mantis Patrol Craft
Crew: 4; skeleton 1/+20
Passengers: 8
Consumables: 12 Months
Cargo Capacity: 30 Tons
Hyperdrive Multiplier: X1.5
Hyperdrive Backup: X20
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 250;850kmh
Maneuverability: 2D
Hull: 5D
Shields: 1D
Passive: 25/0D
Scan: 40/1D
Search: 55/2D+1
Focus: 2/3D+2

3 x Heavy Laser Cannons
Scale: StarFighter
Fire Arc: Turret
Fire Control: 1D+1
Space: 1-5/8/20
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/800/2km
Damage: 5D
3 x Ion Cannons
Scale: StarFighter
Fire Arc: Turret
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-10/16/30
Atmosphere Range: 100-1000/1.6/3km
Damage: 3D
2 x Laser Cannons
Scale: StarFighter
Fire Arc: Front
Fire Control: 2D+1
Space: 1-5/8/20
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/800/2km
Damage: 4D

Description: A rare, best-in-class vessel, the D5-Mantis is an alpha predator in the cold depths of space. Designed to meet the hefty demands of a much larger interdiction vessel, the Mantis has a compact frame and above all-- is built to fight. By employing three retractable weapon foils with independent power supplies, the Mantis is capable of safely utilizing armament intended for larger class vessels, as well as reducing its profile significantly in order to be packed tightly into carrier ships with a surprising number of other Mantis crafts. To mitigate what would otherwise be an extremely cramped interior, the engineers of the D5-Mantis make efficient use of vertical space and minimized bulkheads to provide more open areas and ensure ease of access for maintenance. Due to the prohibitive cost of building a completely independent, long-range picket ship, the Mantis has never seen large-scale production. Spotting one in use is a very rare sight, and a mark of exceptional means.

Comments made about this Article!

29/Dec/2019 23:21:19 Posted by J. Barkhouse

The length listed is incorrect. It is actually 74m long and 68m wide.

30/Dec/2019 09:30:40 Posted by Freddy

Although this doesn't look like one of mine, I'd take a guess at no stats being available at time of writing, so the size was probably eyeballed from the image. But wow, those sizes make it nearly a capital ship.

26/Jun/2024 04:45:27 Posted by rayallen1370

Where did this Length 25m come from? Why would a ship that small need a crew of 4? It is smaller than the Millennium Falcon by almost 12m.

27/Jun/2024 22:31:07 Posted by Freddy

To quote April 6th 2011,
"These are based on images and descriptions issued by BioWare for their forthcoming Old Republic game. Now the warning is, I haven't played this game yet, I'm never likely to play this game ever since I'm not a fan of online games, and even BioWare isn't likely to change this. Now, without any knowledge of how they work in game, I've only got a paragraph of text, and a couple of images to work on, so these may be VERY wrong guesses at the capabilities of these vessels. Since they're all player character vessels, I've chosen to make them all starfighter scale, and have fairly small crews (even if their descriptions make them seem somewhat larger)."

Oh, and to comment on the most recent comment, check out yesterdays addition the Teroch-type Fast-Attack Gunship, whose official stats are 18m, and 8 crew.

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All text and images by BioWare, stats by FreddyB, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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