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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: Canon:

Name: Kotabi
Designation: Sentient
Skin color: White
Attribute  Dice: 12D

Dex: 2D/4D
Know: 2D/4D
Mech: 2D/4D
Perc: 2D/4D
Str: 2D/4D
Tech: 2D/4D

Special Abilities:
         Bond Twin: Kotabi Bond Twins share a mind between them, this allows them to read each others minds at close range (less than 500m), leading to them often completing each others sentences. But at longer ranges they can still feel each others emotions. This link means that any mind control powers used on one, will effect both, but also means that force sensitive Kotabi Bond Twins can aid one another by using their powers on themselves and effecting both (enhance attribute for example). This link also adds +1D to all Willpower tests.

Move: 10/12

Description: The Kotabi were a humanoid sentient species in the galaxy. Jedi bond-twins Terec and Ceret were members of the species from the planet Kotab.

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