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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Player Character RacesEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Krevaaki
Average height: 2 meters
Average mass: 65 kilograms
Skin color: Red, Black
Eye color: Black
Distinctions: 8 cephalaopidal tentacles
Average lifespan: Up to 130+ years
Homeworld: Krevas

Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
        Natural Armor: Krevaaki possess an exoskeleton which provides a +1 pip bonus to any Strength rolls made to resist damage.
        Stoic: The face of a Krevaaki is composed of a series of shifting, chitinous plates with a limited range of expression. During face-to-face communication, it is difficult (if not impossible) for anyone who is not a Krevaaki to read their facial expressions. Krevaaki gain a +2 pip bonus when attempting to make Con, Intimidation, or Persuasion skill rolls against non-Krevaaki.
        Tentacles: Krevaaki use their tentacles in the same was as bipeds use their arms and legs. Krevaaki receive a +2 pip bonus on all Climbing/Jumping skill checks that involve climbing, and a further +2 pip bonus to Brawling skill checks made when grappling an opponent. On the flip side, the tips of their tentacles lack the dexterity of a humanoid finger, and Krevaaki suffer a -1D penalty on rolls made to perform intricate work or manipulate small objects or to use weapons or tools not adapted for Krevaaki use.

Story Factors:
        Xenophobic: Because Krevaaki are considered a bizarre species by most bipeds, they prefer to conceal their tentacled lower bodies.

Move: 10/12

Description: The Krevaaki were a race of sentients native to Krevas. The Krevaaki people possessed an exoskeleton. The face of a Krevaaki was composed of a series of shifting, chitinous plates with a limited range of expression. During face-to-face communication, it was difficult for anyone who was not a Krevaaki to read their facial expressions.
Krevaaki used their tentacles instead of arms and legs like bipeds. They often concealed the true number from humanoids.

Biology and appearance
Descended from shallow-water crustaceans, Krevaaki were sizable non-humanoids. From youth, they trained their tentacles for specific purposes. Older individuals became less adaptable. Over millennia, they had evolved to technology.

When excited, a Krevaaki's musk would smell.

Even in the fabled Old Republic, Krevaaki were made conscious of their appearance. Great explorers in times of peace, they sought to avoid conflict. Large groups were never found away from their homeworld, off the Perlemian Trade Route.

Society and culture
The species dedicated themselves to spiritual experience. Not violent or materialistic, they stayed out of the affairs of others.

Krevaaki in the galaxy
Krevaaki loved to find planets for meditation. One Krevaaki, Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, trained Exar Kun as his Jedi Padawan.

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