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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: CapitalEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Kuat Drive Yards Pursuit-class light cruiser
Type: Light cruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 500 Meters
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Star Cruiser
Crew: 672; skeleton 130/+15
Passengers/Troops: 500
Crew Skill: Capital Ship Piloting 5D+1, Capital Ship Gunnery 4D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+1
Consumables: 1 Year
Cargo Capacity: 1,500 Tons
Hyperdrive Multiplier: X1
Hyperdrive Backup: X16
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 320;960kmh
Maneuverability: 2D
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D
            Passive: 50/1D
            Scan: 100/3D
            Search: 200/4D
            Focus: 4/4D+2

Fighters: 2 Squadrons
Transports: 2

            2 Double Turbolaser Cannons
                        Scale: Capital
                        Fire Arc: Turret
                        Fire Control: 2D
                        Space: 4-20/48/100
                        Atmosphere Range: 8-40/96/200km
                        Damage: 6D
            7 Turbolaser Cannons
                        Scale: Capital
                        Fire Arc: 3 Front/Left, 3 Front/Right, 1 Back
                        Fire Control: 1D
                        Space: 3-15/36/75
                        Atmosphere Range: 6-30/36/150km
                        Damage: 3D
            5 Laser Cannons
                        Scale: Starfighter
                        Fire Arc: 2 Front/Left, 2 Front/Right, 1 Back
                        Fire Control: 2D
                        Space: 1-7/12/25
                        Atmosphere Range: 2-14/24/50km
                        Damage: 4D
            2 Ion Cannons
                        Scale: Capital
                        Fire Arc: 1 Front/Left, 1 Front/Right
                        Fire Control: 2D+1
                        Space: 1-10/25/50
                        Atmosphere Range: 2-20/50/100km
                        Damage: 4D
            2 Tractor Beam Projectors
                        Scale: Capital
                        Fire Arc: Turret
                        Fire Control: 2D
                        Space: 1-5/15/30
                        Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60km
                        Damage: 3D

Description: The Pursuit-class light cruiser was a type of capital ship in the Imperial Navy.

The Pursuit-class light cruiser resembled a small variant of the more common Star Destroyers that the Galactic Empire used, though the main hull was a rather flat, square-bowed platform instead of a deep-keeled dagger. The main engines were mounted in the superstructure rising above the hull platform at the rear, which was topped by a row of sensor globes. The primary armament consisted of two weapons turrets mounted ahead of the superstructure.

The light cruiser had a docking bay capable of launching several TIE Series starfighters, and it was sometimes equipped with more potent TIE Advanced x1 starfighters. In open space, the cruiser's straight-line acceleration seems to have been slightly below that of Millennium Falcon.

The bridge's interior design featured a similar cockpit window design to that of Kuat-designed starships, and featured consoles directly near the windows.

In the Battle of Andalia, the Pursuit-class light cruiser Shepherd, commanded by Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik, led a contingent of two squadrons of TIE fighters and eight gunships to fight the Hapan consortium that was doomed to fail, resulting in the destruction of the ship and the entire fleet. Another Pursuit-class vessel named Enforcement was used as a command ship by Commander Strom in his sector near the Wheel.

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