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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: EQUIPMENTEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Laser Drill
Type: Mining tool
Size: Handheld
Cost: 50 credits
Availability: 2, R

Game Notes: The laser can be used to hit a target within 5 meters and will do 5D damage, however the device is bulky and if used in combat gives a +2D to dodge it's attack.

Description: The laserdrill was a type of drill which used laser technology. Boarding pods which were equipped with laserdrills to breach a starship. Some such vehicles were used by the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry to board an Imperial heavy freighter.

Comments made about this Article!

13/Aug/2024 17:40:30 Posted by David Gipe

Due to its drill nature and use as a mining tool do you think this would affect or bypass scale similar to Shape Charge?

14/Aug/2024 08:03:29 Posted by Freddy

That seems entirely reasonable, and I could definitely see someone slicing through a Capital ships hull to gain entry using one.

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