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Section of Site: Starships D20Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: StarfighterEra: ImperialCanon: No

XGP Grappler Ultra-Light Cruiser
The XGP was part of the next generation of grappler ships designed by Lumnar. The XGP was only built as a prototype and further units of that design were discontinued and the XGP disappeared.

The newer interface still used the tightbeam transmission into the visual cortex to relay information. But a cybernetic I/O jack added to the base of the cranium and two jacks in each arm became necessary for full use of combat mode. The cranial jack inputs data and translates it through a part of the brain while the implants in the arms have small leads inserted into them, one on the bottom and one on the top of each like an actual second pair of arms for the pilot.

The ship is crewed by four people, the pilot, the sensor ops, the navigator, and the main gunner. The cockpit/bridge has a cluster of chairs fit together around the pilot's chair as seen below. The navigator sits in the spot marked N facing away from the pilot to his left, the Sensor op away from him to his right, and the gunner away from him straight ahead. The pilot's chair not only sits between them all it sits slightly above them. This allows the pilot to turn quickly to look at any one of the other crew stations.

The ship is also "crewed" by a droid sentience built into the ship. This sentience known as Gilliam, controls twenty-five small worker drones with delicate manipulator arms for repair work. The droids are useless except in zero gravity in which case they can perform all the necessary manual labor to keep the ship running.

Gilliam has many safety features to prevent breaking into the ship's systems and ill in case of a desperate emergency involving such attempts actually shut down the ship's main systems.

The ship is large, barely classifiable as a starfighter, and only is because of it's incredible speed and manvuerability. The ship has the ability to hold a large ammount of cargo as well as ten passengers and move more nimbly and faster than most fighters are capable of.

The ship's armaments consists of four fire-linked laser cannons, 32 concussion missiles stored in four banks of eight missiles, and two grappler arms, stronger than any other grapplers out there.

The ship was designed so that Lumnar would have a trump once their designs flooded the market. However, a plan in which they intended to literally destroy most of the other major corporations in the galaxy, fell throguh and left them in a weaker market position than expected. The project was abandoned and the XGP dissapeared.

Craft: Lumnar Industries XGP Grappler Cruiser
Class: Starfighter
Size: Medium (80 m long)
Hyperdrive: x1
Passangers: 10
Cargo Capacity: 200 tons
Consumables: 1 month
Cost: Not available for sale
Maximum Speed In Space: Ramming (12 squares/action)
Atmospheric Speed: 1,500 km/h (26 squares/action)
Crew: 3 (Normal +2)
Initiative: +2 (+2 crew)
Maneuver: +2 (+2 crew)
Defense: 20 (+10 armor)
Shield Points: 70 (DR 5)
Hull Points: 140 (DR 5)
  4 Laser Cannons
    Fire Arc: Front
    Attack Bonus: +2 (+2 fire control)
    Damage: 5d10x2
    Range Modifiers: PB/S +0, M/L n/a
  Concussion Missiles (32 Carried)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Attack Bonus: +3 (+3 fire control)
    Damage: 9d10x2
    Missil Quality: Marginal (+5)
2 Grappler Arms
    Fire Arc: Turret ( have flexible reach, can twist and pivot in any direction)
    Attack Bonus: +4 (+4 fire control)
    Damage: 6d10x2
    Range Modifiers: PB +0, S/M/L n/a
    Game Notes: The grappler arm can be used to grab hold of a ship, or to punch through it's armour. If the gunner is attempting to punch through the armour, they roll their damage versus the opponent's hull code -2D (no scale bonues/penalties). If a lightly damaged or higher is scored, the arm penetrates.

Note: Based off the TV series Outlaw Star.

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