Name: Max Rebo
Homeworld: Orto
Species: Ortolan
Gender: Male
Height: 1.5 meters
Mass: 80 kilograms
Eye color: Black
Skin color: Blue
Brawling Parry: 4D+1
Dodge: 3D+2
Bureaucracy: 3D+2
Business: 4D
Languages: 4D+1
Planetary Systems: 3D+2
Streetwise: 4D+2
Value: 3D+1
Bargain: 3D+1
Con 3D+2
Persuasion: 4D
Performance (musical instrument): 5D+1
Search: 4D+1
Brawling: 3D+2
Repulsorlift Operation: 3D
First Aid: 4D
Musical Instrument, Street Clothes, 400 credits
Move: 10
Description: Max Rebo, whose real name was Siiruulian Phantele, was a male Ortolan who was known as a popular musician and head member of the Max Rebo Band. He was a skinny Ortolan, the youngest of five children.
The male Ortolan named Siiruulian Phantele was born on his species's homeworld of Orto. As he was the smallest of five younglings, his mother feared that he would waste away. As a consequence, Phantele spent his younger years in the pursuit of food. Eventually, he ended up working in a flanth house, where he payed for his dinner every night.
One day, Phantele was discovered by Evar Orbus, a crowd-pleasing Letaki wailer who was on the lookout for a young talented yet exploitable entertainer. Orbus approached Phantele, promising him that he would never need to go hungry again, provided that he signed his musical services over. Phantele's constant pursuit of food told him that this was an opportunity not to be missed. Phantele signed himself over to Orbus, and on the recommendation of his new manager, changed his name to Max Rebo. Shortly after, the Max Rebo Band was formed. Rebo played the red ball organ.
At some point during the Clone Wars, Rebo attended a VIP gala held by Bezz Drexx on Coruscant. He found the reception boring, however, and he spent time off to the side of the crowd, with his hands in the pockets of his tuxedo.
In 3 ABY, Evar Orbus was killed by Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, because the band came to Tatooine to take their job at the Mos Eisley Cantina. This was when Sy Snootles encouraged Rebo to take lead of the musical group. Snootles, however, discreetly controlled the band herself, letting naïve Rebo take the credit as frontman. She did this in order to avoid becoming the target of those that the band mightâ€â€and most likely wouldâ€â€potentially anger.
Snootles' plan had terrible repercussions for the band however, when Rebo signed the entire band over to Jabba Desilijic Tiure with a lifelong contract including an unlimited supply of food.
The band was confined to performing in Jabba's Palace, until Jabba died at the hands of Leia Organa and the Rebels. After Jabba was killed, he went on tour with Sy since his other band member Droopy left to find his brothers in the desert. After Sy set off on her own, Rebo set out on his own solo career, and after many tours, joined the Rebel Alliance to entertain soldiers.
He eventually left the music industry, and opened his own chain of restaurants: Max's Flanth House. He became quite rich, and finally settled on Coruscant.