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Section of Site: The Force D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Jedi PowersEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Memory Rub

AlterDifficulty: Moderate.
Sense Difficulty: Easy.
Effect: When a Force User uses this power they can erase memories from a target, if the target is willing then difficulty is as above with modifiers from below, if the target is unwilling then WIllpower is added to the Target numbers. Depending on how detailed the Memory Rub is, and over what period the memories are to be erased, the Difficulty is modified as per the below.

Add the following modifiers to the Alter difficulty:
        +0 Memories over a 1 hour period
        +5 Memories over a 1 day period
        +10 Memories over a 1 week period
        +15 Memories over a 1 month period
        +20 Memories over a 1 year period
        +25 Memories over multiple decades

Add the following modifiers to the Sense difficulty:
        +0 Target will forget a single important point.
        +3 Target will remember major points only forgetting most details (for example would remember someone visiting them, but not what they looked like or what was said).
        +5 Target will remember only key points (such as they were attacked, but not details.)
        +7 Target will remember only minor details. (If they are to forget someone, then they would remember knowing someone like that, but not their name or what they looked like).
        +10 Target will remember nothing.

Description: Memory rubbing was a telepathic Force technique that allowed an individual to use the Force to alter or erase another's memories.

During the High Republic Era, on the planet Brendok, The Stranger used this power to erase a willing Mae-ho Aniseya's knowledge of her sister, Verosha Aniseya, and her time training with The Stranger.

During the Clone Wars, on Mortis, the Father used this power to erase Anakin Skywalker's knowledge of his future as Darth Vader after he had learned it from the Son to tempt him to the dark side of the Force.

During the Imperial era, Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus used the Force to trick the bounty hunters Fissol and Gowski into believing there were no Jedi on Lothal, despite the fact they had previously confronted him and his padawan Ezra Bridger in an attempt to collect a bounty on the two of them.

Comments made about this Article!

07/Aug/2024 11:14:34 Posted by

Since this is used on others, shouldn't the Alter skill be included as well?

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