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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Mosgoth
Classification: Reptilian
Average height: 10 meters
Average wingspan: 40 meters or more
Homeworld: Togoria

Dexterity: 3D+1
Perception: 2D+2
Strength: 7D

Special Abilities
         Bite: Mosgoth have a maw full of sharp teeth which allow them to make quick snapping bites as they peck at a target to disable, kill and then eat their prey. This does Str damage when used in combat.
         Claws: Mosgoth have large claws which they use to pin an opponent to make them easier to bite and eat. A successful brawling attack with the Mosgoth's claws will pin an opponent so they cannot parry or dodge attacks. However they can make a contested Strength test each round to break free of the claws and escape.

Move: 26 (flying) 14 (walking)
Orneriness: 3D+1

Description: Mosgoths were large flying reptiles native to Togoria, the Togorian homeworld. They were used as mounts by the Togorian people who befriended them.
Another species of flying reptile, the liphons, often preyed on both mosgoths and the primitive Togorians. When the Togorians realized that they and the mosgoths had a common enemy, they started to camp near mosgoth nests for mutual protection. Eventually, Togorians domesticated the mosgoths, and started using them as mounts. This was the event which led to the formation of a Togorian civilization of settled females and nomadic male hunters riding mosgoths to the hunt. Even after making contact with galactic society, both male and female Togorians preferred to walk or ride mosgoths rather than use motorized vehicles. Togorians bonded strongly with their mosgoth mounts.

Mosgoths were easily tamed, and strong enough to carry a Togorian male on their back in flight. They also enjoyed being petted, like many tame animals.

Mlatar Thon Gra, a Togorian Master Smith and member of the Zulirian Swordmasters, owned a mosgoth called Ktlin.

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