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Cobb Vanth (Human Marshal of Mos Pelgo)

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Lord Malameu Toda

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General Bernard Vota (Human Imperial Officer)

General Bernard Vota (Human Imperial Officer)

Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: EQUIPMENTEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Nullification Resin
Type: Storage Resin
Culture: Jedi
Affiliation: Jedi Order
Cost: 100 Credits per level of Resin
Availability: 2,X

Game Notes: When applied to Force Artefacts, this Resin seals them and nullifies them, stopping them effecting the universe and allowing them to be handled somewhat safely. This nullification is not complete and certain side effects of the Artefacts could still be felt, such as the Atmospheric effects of the Helm of Dathka Graush. Three levels of the Resin exist, each cancelling dice of effects up to their level, the Vault on Odryn generally used the strongest version.

Description: Nullification resin was a wrapping used by the Jedi Covenant on Sith artifacts to dampen their random malevolence. With resin surrounding the devices, Jedi could not feel the evil emanating from them. The resin was placed on countless artifacts in the Sanctum of the Exalted on Odryn, including Ludo Kressh's pedicure set and Exar Kun's lightsaber. Up to three grades of the resin were known.

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