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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: CapitalEra: ImperialCanon: No

Dominator-class Battleship
Craft: PN Shipyards' Mark XI Dominator-class Battleship
Type: mid-range battleship
Scale: capital
Length: 212 m
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Dominator-class
Crew: 96, gunners: 14, skeleton: 52
Passengers: 65 (troops)
Cargo capacity: 2,150 tons
Consumables: 3 months
Cost: not available for sale
Hyperdrive: X3
Backup: X12
Nav comp: yes
Manueverability: 2D+1
Space: 4
Atmosphere: 295; 850kmh
Hull: 4D+1
Shields: 1D+2
Sensors: 30/1D; 60/2D; 90/3D; 4/4D+1
    7 Double Turbolaser Cannons
       Fire arc: 1f, 1f-l, 1f-r, 1f-r-a, 1f-l-a, 1l-a, 1r-a
       Crew: 2
       Skill: capital ship gunnery
       Fire control: 1D
       Space range: 3-15/35/75
       Atmosphere range: 6-30/70/150km
       Damage: 4D
Capsule: This is the most powerful ship fielded by the Paq Nalthiin Confederacy Navy. The Dominator is based upon a ship design which was developed during the great war with the Serp. These ships are laid out in such a manner as to give them a very good overall field of fire. If a target is directly beneath a Dominator then the ship can't fire on it, but if the target is anywhere else then the smallest number of guns which can be brought to bear on it would be 3, which is over 40% of the ship's weaponry. Over 70% of the vessel's weaponry can be focused on a target in the front fire arc. Because of the fact that no weaponry can fire on a target which is "below" the Dominator, these ships typically act in pairs, with one ship upside down compared to the other, as if it was a reflection in a pond.
    The Dominator is the eleventh ship class based on the same basic design since the Serp incursion roughly 3,000 years ago, and is itself over 50 years old. As such it is slightly below the galactic standard in terms of performance, although it is still more than enough to serve the Confederacy. The biggest threat that the Confederacy faces is smugglers and pirates, and despite the Dominator's low top speed, it is usually more than a match for such enemies, despite the now infamous Domar VIII incident. In this conflict an ore shipment coming from a mining colony on the eighth moon of Fen Domar was attacked in force by the Black Fang pirates. A pair of Dominators were nearby, and moved to intercept the pirates. All of the Fang's capital ships suffered fairly heavy damage, but fighters were able to get in between the 2 Dominators and cause critical damage to the ships. One of the Dominators, the Fearless, was destroyed, and the other damaged to the point of uselessness. Imperial Naval vessels arrived on the scene a mere minute and a half after the pirates had made their escape, and just seconds before reinforcements from the Confederacy Navy arrived.

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