Name: Pasaana
Region: Expansion Region
Sector: Ombakond sector
System: Middian system
Moons: 1
Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 11,135 km
Atmosphere: Breathable
Primary terrain: Desert, Dunes, Mountains
Points of interest: Aki-Ktura, Forbidden Valley, Ikledu Wastes, Jamtareen Mountains
Fauna: Oki-poki, Thistlebuzzer, Vexis snake, Gouge-beetle
Native species: Aki-Aki
Population: 500,000 (approx.)
Description: Pasaana was a desert planet in the Expansion Region's Ombakond sector, located in the Middian system. It was the homeworld of the Aki-Aki species.
In 35 ABY, after the Emperor revealed himself and the Final Order was announced, Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Chewbacca, C-3PO and BB-8 came to Pasaana on the trail of the planet Exegol. During their visit the Festival of the Ancestors, which was only held every 42 years was in celebration by the native Aki-Aki. They engaged First Order forces before being swallowed up by the sinking fields and ending up in the maze-like tunnels created by a Vexis snake. The Resistance members would find the remains of Ochi of Bestoon, obtaining his dagger with the Sith inscriptions needed to locate the Emperor's wayfinder in the wreckage of the Death Star II on Kef Bir.
Forbidden Valley
The Forbidden Valley was a rocky valley located on the desert planet Pasaana. The Aki-Aki Festival of the Ancestors took place in the valley.
Lurch Canyon
Lurch Canyon was a canyon on the planet Pasaana in the Ikledu Wastes. It contained the Shifting Mires, where the Sith loyalist assassin Ochi was killed, leaving his starship, the Bestoon Legacy, abandoned in the canyon.
Ikledu Wastes
The Ikledu Wastes was an area of the desert planet Pasaana. The wastes were home to various species of native fauna, including the Vexis snake which created tunnels beneath the surface. The Shifting Mires were sections of the terrain which were covered in a black sand that would swallow up nearly anything which happened to get caught in it.
Shifting Mires
The Shifting Mires was a dangerous region of Pasaana's Lurch Canyon. The area contained fields of unstable ground consisting of a black sand which would swallow up nearly everything which happened to get stuck in it. Beneath the Shifting Mires were vast mazes of tunnels created by a Vexis snake, which would also home the native Gouge-beetles.
Various people would fall victim to the sinking fields, often being swallowed up and dying from the dangerous fauna or a lack of food and water. Sometime after the Battle of Endor, the Sith loyalist Ochi died from unknown causes in the tunnels after falling into the Shifting Mires alongside his speeder and dagger.
In 35 ABY, a group of Resistance members consisting of Rey, Chewbacca, Finn, Poe Dameron, C-3PO, and BB-8 got caught in the sinking fields and find themselves in the caverns beneath. They retrieved the dagger and had a run in with a wounded Vexis snake. Rey Force healed the serpent and it gave safe passage to the group.