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BlasTech Industries DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol

BlasTech Industries DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol
0G-LC (Droid Explorer)

0G-LC (Droid Explorer)
Byrco Hansid (Resistance Soldier)

Byrco Hansid (Resistance Soldier)


Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: StarfighterEra: ImperialCanon: No


This was the first Zeon attempt at an amphibious mobile suit.  Heavily
armored and with massive amounts of firepower, the Gogg was extremely
slow, by mobile suit standards.  It was not designed to go into outer
space, and the few that were tested there proed to be disastrously

Craft: Principality of Zeon MSM-03 Gogg
Type: Amphibious Mobile Suit
Scale: Starfighter
Height: 11.97 meters
Skill: MS Piloting
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: MS Piloting: 3D, MS Gunnery: 3D+1, MS Shield: 2D+1, MS Fencing:
Cargo Capacity: 75 kg
Consumables: 4 days
Cost: 95,000 (new)
Hyperdrive: N/A
Nav Computer: No
Manueverability: 1D+2
Atmospheric: 243 meters (walking), 508 (jumping)
Hull: 5D
Shield: 6D+1
            Passive: 10/0D
            Search: 25/1D+2
            Scan: 40/3D+1
            Focus: 65/5D

Weapons: Mobile Suits can carry a variety of weapons, but can only use one
at a time, so they must switch between the two optional weapons they carry.
However, the Gogg's weapons are built right into it, cutting the switch time
of 10 seconds to a time of 2 seconds.

2 Mega Particle Cannons
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: MS Gunnery
Ammo: 6 shots, 11 extras/cannon
Fire Control: 3D+1
Space Range: 1-10/23/36
Atmospheric Range: 1-10km/23/36
Damage: 9D

Fire Arc: Front
Skill: MS Gunnery
Ammo: 22 rounds/magazine, 2 extras
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: N/A
Atmospheric Range: 1-20km/33/40
Damage: 6D
(These missiles are launched in volleys of two from the belly of the mobile
suit.  There are two launchers, each loaded with 11 missiles each, and two
spare magazines/launcher)

Grappling Claws
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: MS Fencing
Ammo: N/A
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: N/A
Atmospheric Range: .1-.23/0/0
Damage: 4D

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