Name: Quermian
Designation: Sentient
Classification: Humanoid
Skin color: Gray, Pasty white
Eye color: Brown, Red
Distinctions: Long necks,, Two brains, Two pairs of arms
Homeworld: Quermia
Habitat: Garden
Attribute Dice: 12D
DEX: 2D/5D+1
KNO: 2D+1/4D+1
MEC: 1D/3D
PER: 2D/5D+1
STR: 1D/3D
TEC: 1D/3D
Special Abilities:
Skill Bonus: Quermians gain an extra 1D for every 1D placed in a PER attribute or skill.
High Force Sensitivity Percentage: The Quermian population has a high percentage of Force-sensitives. When randomly creating a character, roll 1D: Only on a 1-2, may the the character be Non-Force-sensitive; on a 3-6, the character IS Force-sensitive.
Multiple Arms: Quermians have four arms, but standard action penalties still apply - they can only concentrate on one task at a time.
Story Factors:
Strange Appearance: Many humanoid races find Quermians eerily disconcerting due to their height and unusual physical construction.
Olfactory Organs: The Quermian sense of smell originates in the fingers, and Quermians often wriggle their fingers in the air when processing smells.
Move: 9/11
Description: Quermians were a gaunt, long-necked humanoid sentient species native to the planet Quermia. They had two brains, one located inside their head and the other within their chest cavity, and two pairs of arms. During the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo, four Quermians were enrolled in the Jedi Order, one of whom was Jedi Master Yarael Poof, a member of the Jedi High Council.
Biology and appearance
Quermians were a willowy humanoid garden sentient species that had pasty white skin and red eyes, which were located in a bulbous head with a small mouth that was located on top of a craning neck. They had two brains, one located in their head and the other inside their chest cavity. Possessing no spines, Quermians were notable for their towering stature, with an average member of the species standing over three feet taller than most other humanoids. Quermians had two sets of thin arms with hands that terminated in several slender digits, and a pair of legs that ended in large toed feet. The second pair of arms was often hidden and was supported by the braina located in the chest cavity. Lacking noses, Quermians instead smelled using olfactory glands in their hands. Quermians could live up to 200 years of age, possibly more. Due to the Quermian's many physical and genetic similarities to the Xexto, xenobiologists believed them to share a common ancestor.
Society and culture
Some Quermians, such as Jedi Master Yarael Poof, preferred to conceal their second set of arms beneath clothing, and traditionally wore cannom collars.
Quermians in the galaxy
Native to the Outer Rim world of Quermia, four Quermians were members of the Jedi Order during the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo, the most senior of which being Jedi Master Yarael Poof. A revered member of the Jedi Council, he was a celebrated diplomat and teacher, and an expert practitioner of Jedi mind tricks and illusions.
Senator Nim Tar of the New Republic was a Quermian.