Model: RanCorp Munitions Corporation MG-34
Type: Gas-Operated Repeating Slugthrower Emplacement
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms (S) MG-34
Ammo: 250 (x1 Belt)
Crew: 2 (emplaced Bi-Pod)
Cover: None
Cost: 9,000
Availability: 4, X
Fire Rate: 1/5-6/250
Range: 3-70/450/3200
Fire Control: 1D (emplaced)
Damage: 4D+2
Body: 0D
Game Notes:
A burst in/or Full Auto mode, fires a burst (5-6) can do from cover or 250 rounds NO COVER and cannot dodge. Once a hit is established, all following shots against nearby (1 meter) targets are one difficulty lower. No other action can be done this round while in burst or full auto fire mode.
Description: The MG34 eventually resulted from the testing of many different light-machine guns, developed by early RanCorp engineers. The basis of the whole project was the idea of a single gun design acting in both light and heavy roles. That is, being able to be used as an assault weapon, or an emplaced defensive weapon, and being compromised in neither by design. The result was a weapon with modularized accessories and ammunition feed methods. Although it was possible to fire the gun from the hip, this proved difficult and inaccurate, so an integral bipod was made to fire the weapon more accurately in the assault. The machine gun was also well designed to be emplaced in a vehicle, and dedicated AA mounts were designed.
Model: RanCorp MG-15/MG-34 Feed Device
Ammo: 75
Availability: 4, X
Cost: 300
Game Notes: Must be used with Doppel Trommel cover. Recharged only by loader.
Model: RanCorp Doppel Trommel Cover
Availability: 4, X
Cost: 1300
Saddle Drum Feed Device Loader
Model: RanCorp MG-15/MG-34 Saddle Drum Feed Device Loader
Availability: 4, X
Cost: 350
Basket Drum Feed Device & Basket Carrier Device
Model: RanCorp MG-34 Basket Drum Feed Device & Carrier Device
Ammo: 75 on linked belt Per Basket
Availability: 4, X
Cost: 300 (1 Basket w/75 Ammo w/Belt) 200 (Basket Carrier Holds x2)
Ammo Can Storage Device
Model: RanCorp MG-34 Ammo Can Storage Device
Ammo 250 on Linked Belt
Availability: 4, X
Cost: 500 (250 Ammo x Belt)