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Section of Site: The Force D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Jedi PowersEra: ImperialCanon: No

Slow Time

This power's "name" is somewhat misleading. more acurately it should be
called Hyper-acceleration or some such. Time isn't slowed or stoped,
rather the user of the power moves at five times their normal rate.
This hyper acceleration causes incredible wear and tear on the user's
body and thus cannot be used repeatedly in a short ammount of time. A
jedi has to be secialy prepared just to use the pwoer without it
causing hundreds of tears to form across their muscles and skeleton.
A dangerous power to use, it is still a very useful tool and can make
the user very deadly.

Control Difficulty: Very Difficult
Sense Difficulty: Very Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult
Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Control Pain, Emptieness, Enhance Attribute,
Dim Others' Senses, Reduce Injury, Remove Fatigue, Speed

Effect: This power slows one round down into five for the user. However
time goes exactly the same for everyone else. Everyone else declares
before the user, however their actions stretch out over the entire
five rounds. Thus the user only has to dodge on the last round if
he's atatcked, and only if he's still in the path. In the meantime
he can take actions as normal in the five rounds with normal
multiaction penalties. However during the five rounds the Slow Time
power is considered to be "up" and thus the user suffers multiaction
for sustaining it. This power can only be used once every 12 hours.

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