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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: EQUIPMENTEra: Canon:


(NOTE: These rules are for starfighter hangars.  They do not take into account hangar space for anything larger like most transports or capital ships (some transports are small enough they could fit though))

Type: Starfighter hangar space
Scale: Starfighter
-Hangar Bay: 2,000 credits per starfighter
-Maintenance Bay: 1,000 credits per starfighter
-Hangar Door (Simple): 5,000 credits per starfighter
-Hangar Door (Advanced): 7,000 credits per starfighter
-Hangar Space: 50 metric tons per starfighter
-Maintenance Bay: 50 metric tons per starfighter
-Hangar Door: 0 metric tons
Availability: 1


   Converting a ship's Cargo Capacity into a hangar fir starfighters and other similarly sized ships and vehicles, such as passenger shuttles, cargo shuttles, other small transports, other ground or repulsorlift vehicles, walkers, etc.

Hangar Bay

   This space includes room for a small ship to land or launch, as well as room for equipment and other gear related to making quick quick maintenance and repairs or pilot/crew/passenger recovery operations, as well as launch-assist and landing-assist gear and emergency landing safety features.

Maintenance Bay

   This is often used as a storsage space to place a ship after landing, to get it out of the way of other incoming landing craft, as well as room to perform maintenance on the ship undisturbed from the hustle and bustle of an active hangar bay.  If performing overhauls, modifications, or upgrades on a ship, a maintenance bay is more desired than a hangar bay for this.  Larger ships, especially carriers, will have hangar and maintenance bays for these purposes.  Lighter ships owned by civilians and modified to have these bays often have maintenance bays that operate as hangar bays, or the opposite, hangar bays where any maintenance, repairs, overhauls, modifications, upgrades, etc, are performed in the hangar space.  This is often due to lack of room, funds or both by civilian ship owners

Hangar Door

   The large starfighter scale door that opens to allow small craft to launch or land from the base ship.  The cost is for how many starfighter-sized ships are expected to be able to launch/land at the same time.  Larger capital ships will have huge hangar doors to allow many such small ships to come and go at the same time, carriers having the largest hangar doors a ship could have.  

   Hangar doors do not take up cargo space due to being built directly into the base ship's hull, which may require alteration to a hull that was never meant to have a door there in the first place.  Some base ships are simple to alter this way, others may have more complex designs that make this difficult (and therefor may increase the cost).

   Advanced hangar doors, the common standard found throughout the Star Wars universe, have atmospheric pressure fields that allow the hangar doors to be wide open, while the field keeps the atmosphere in the ship and crew/passengers can walk around the hangar while the doors are open, without fear of depressurization occurring.

   Simple hangar doors do not have this luxury, and require the hangar to have all personnel leave the hangar bay, then have the bay deppressurized (or not) before opening the bay doors and launching the starfighter, or allowing a ship to land.


   GMs may decide the cost and weight listed above for installing hangar space and related modificatiosn costs too little.  Especiallyy the weight/cargo space taken up, as 50 metric tons amounts to 5 crew quarters, and some starfighters can be quite larger than this.  This conversion comes from converting the Corellian Engineering Corporation YZ-775 Medium Transport (which has 400 metric tons stock), then the No Luck Required (a hero ship that had 150 metric tons, but hangar space for 4 A-Wings and a Rotating Launch Frame to launch them into battle).  The missing 250 metric tons was assumed to be 50 for each A-Wing, and another 50 for the Launch Frame (though the ship had its engines downgraded and several weapons uninstalled, which could have freed up more cargo space).  The Cost/Weight given here can be taken at face value, or changed if felt it isn't high enough (or low enough?).  If higher, x2 should do the job.

Availability Chart:

1 - Readily available throughout the galaxy.
2 - Available only in large cities or spaceports.
3 - Specialized item, normally available only on planet of origin.
4 - Rare item, difficult to find anywhere.
F - Fee or permit often required for purchase.
R - Restricted on most planets, and normally may not be bought or sold withithout appropriate Imperial or other relevant license.
X - Illegal on most planets.  Possession or use often violates Imperial or local laws except for specially authorized individuals; penalties may be severe.

Comments made about this Article!

18/Oct/2023 22:24:52 Posted by David Gipe

Really appreciate this, will be a good guideline for my Players instead of just trying to maintain consistency through guesswork and at time calls. I hope there's an expansion to include transports and such, though I suppose its just simple enough to double or triple for transport hangars or count "X Spaces" as enough room.

19/Oct/2023 07:12:42 Posted by Hellstormer1

You’re welcome. And the multiplication for transports was my thinking too. Thought about adding details for different sized fighters, like the larger B-Wings, or smaller A-Wings, but in the end I thought a simpler approach would be best, as these optional rules create a foundation that anyone can alter and add on to as desired.

Also, another bit worth sharing that I came across while skimming back through Galaxy Guide 6 Tramp Freighters. While discussing cargo, the book says something along the lines of “in the end GMs can fit anything in the hold” or something, like for the sake of the story.

Another idea I just had. You could, instead of converting cargo space to a hangar, you could instead have docking tubes and clamps outside the hull (like with the FarStar from the DarkStrider campaign), or have starfighter launch pods attached outside that look like some kind of cargo pods, but each holds a starfighter and is literally a makeshift add-on that doesn’t take up cargo space (but could also be improved upon for better quality with increased price as part of the ship).

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