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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: TransportEra: New Jedi OrderCanon: EU


* See below for more information.

"So this is a Jedi rescue ship."
"Yep. My little kingdom."
"Looks kind of beat up."
ā€•Klin-Fa Gi to Uldir Lochett

Craft: Corellian Engineering Corporation YZ-775
Type: Modified Medium Transport/Jedi Rescue Ship
Scale: Starfighter (-ish?)
-Length: 52m
Skill: Space Transports: No Luck Required
Crew: 4*
-Gunners: 1
-Skeleton: 2/+5
Crew Skill: As per characters' skills
Passengers: 8*
Cargo Capacity: 150 metric tons
Consumables: 6 months
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive: x1 (Backup: x12)
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
-Space: 2
-Atmosphere: 225; 650kmh
Hull: 7D
-Shields: 6D*
-Passive: 25/1D
-Scan: 45/2D
-Search: 65/3D
-Focus: 4/4D

-4 A-Wings

   CV Turbolaser Cannon*
      Location: Mid Hull Right Side
      Fire Arc: Partial Turret (Front/Right/Back)
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 2D
      -Space: 3-15/35/75
      -Atmosphere: 6-30/70/150km
      Damage: 6D
      Rate Of Fire: 1

   2 Proton Torpedo Tubes*
      Location: Front Lower Hull
      Fire Arc: Front
      Crew: 1 (Pilot/Co-Pilot)
      Skill: Starship Gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      -Space: 1/3/7
      -Atmosphere: 50-100/300/700m
      Speed: 7*
      Damage: 10D
      Ammo: 12 torpedoes each (24 total)
      Rate Of Fire: 1

   Rotating Launch Frame*
      Location: Mid Hull Left Side
      Fire Arc: Front
      Crew: 1 (Pilot)
      Skill: Starship Gunnery/Starfighter Piloting
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      -Space: 2/7/15
      -Atmosphere: N/A
      Speed: 15
      Damage: N/A
      Ammo: 4 A-Wings
      Rate Of Fire: 1
      Special: See Below


   The No Luck Required was a Corellian YZ-775 medium transport owned by Uldir Lochett during the Yuuzhan Vong War. The freighter officially served with the Space Rescue Corps, but was used as part of the network to rescue Jedi from the Peace Brigade, with a crew consisting of Uldir himself, his Corellian first mate Vega Sepen, the Dug Leaft and the Duro Vook Gehu, plus the astromech UV-002.

   The No Luck Required was heavily modified, exchanging the cargo hold and one of the turbolaser turrets for a hangar carrying four RZ-1 A-wing interceptors in a rotating launch-frame. The remaining weapons turret was refitted with a powerful cesium-vapor turbolaser and a proton torpedo launcher.

   Probably the ship's most famous adventure occurred when Lochett rescued the rogue Jedi Klin-Fa Gi on Bonadan. The ship was forced to blast out of drydock with running repairs incomplete, suffered hyperdrive sabotage and airlock damage when Gi stole one of the A-wings, and then had to do battle with coralskippers guarding the enemy-held world of Wayland as her captain tried to prevent the young Jedi falling to the Dark Side.

   While Lochett pursued Gi on Wayland, Vega and the rest of the crew worked to effect repairs, scavenging parts and fuel from the wreck of an old Imperial battle cruiser at one of the planet's Lagrange points. As they completed repairs, however, they found themselves trapped between Yuuzhan Vong forces and another vessel that had been hiding behind the cruiser's wreckage: a compact, powerful warship of unknown type, apparently a droid craft.

   Faced with attackers ahead and astern, Sepen was able to maneuver so that the Yuuzhan Vong and the droid ship began to fight each other. After picking up Gi and Lochett, the No Luck Required moved to intercept the Yuuzhan Vong slave transport carrying Bey Gandan in deep space. After rescuing the transport and the slaves, and skirmishing with Tsaa Qalu's ship Throat Slasher, the No Luck Required escaped first to Yag'Dhul, where it found itself briefly caught up in the Yuuzhan Vong assault, and subsequently to Thyferra.

   After the foiling of a Yuuzhan Vong plot to sabotage bacta, the No Luck Required and its crew, now joined by Klin-Fa Gi, headed off for a rest-break, before presumably resuming their duties with the Rescue Corps.



   This ship was originally presented in the article "A Legacy of Starships" in Star Wars Gamer magazine issue #2, by Owen K.C. Stephens, illustrated by Jeff Carlisle, and appeared early in Star Wars D20.  This is an attempt to convert it to Star Wars D6 using the D6 to D20 conversion rules presented in the back of the first Star Wars D20 rulebook.  I also use these sources to help with anything that does not convert directly: Galaxy Guide 6 Tramp Freighters; Pirates & Privateers; and the Starship Pricing guide (starship construction rules from the D20 Starships of the Galaxy converted back to D6); Other D6 ships and sources here and there for comparison, such as for sensors, weapons, speed, hull/shields, etc.

   Weapon Damage dice will be converted with the D6 to D20 conversion rules, but other traits such as range and Fire Control may be taken directly from Starship Pricing for simplicity, unless they need a more involved touch, then other sources may be listed in their write-up and stat block.


   If there is no bonus listed in the D20 rules, Maneuverability will be listed as 1D (military ships will be listed as 2D).  If a bonus is listed, I am torn between making every +1 = 1D, or having every +2 = 1D.  To be safe, I will use the lower option, but GMs/players have the option to either increase this when using the ship, or modify it to be better after acquiring the ship.


   Star Wars D20's early books had something like Movement Speed categories (Cautious/Docking = 1/2 Speed; Cruising Speed = Normal Speed; High/Attack = x2 Speed; All-Out/Ramming = x4 Speed), but they never had a Speed number to go with the ship stat blocks, so all ships seemed to have the same speed.  A simple conversion is: Cautious = Space 2; Cruising = Space 4; High Speed = Space 6; and All-Out = Space 8 or higher.

Crew, Passengers, and State Rooms

   If state rooms are converted to Cargo Capacity, each one equals 30 metric tons.  Also, the available information for the ship does not explain if the state rooms are solely for the crew, or if this also includes the passenger space.  Until further info states otherwise, the state rooms in this write-up are solely for the crew.  If any of these are converted into standard crew quarters, each one will free up 20 metric tons of extra Cargo Capacity.

Shield Generator

   A product of the time during the Rise of the Empire era before the Galactic Civil War, the "Platemail" shield generator is one of the few, if not the only, model of shield generator of this strength to ever be released on the market for starfighter scale starships, for either civilian or military grade ships.  As such, it is bulkier than probably any other shield generator of this scale, and usually cannot get through Imperial scrutiny without be sold with the YZ-775 Medium transport as a whole package.

   Players may wish to acquire this shield generator (6D) separately for their own ships.  The shield generator itself costs 75,000 credits or more (and more still on the black market), and requires Cargo Capacity of 35 metric tons to install.  Further, due to its energy requirements, GMs may wish to have players either modify their ship's existing power source, or install a new one that can handle the power load (if the desired ship does not have the heft of a near-capital scale ship like the YZ-775 Medium transport, otherwise there may be no need for such modifications).

-Modify Existing Power Source: 3,000 credits per Hull Die (500 per pip); +3 metric tons per Hull Die (+1 metric ton per pip); Difficult Space Transports Repair skill roll for a similar sized ship to a YZ-775 (around 50 meters long); Very Difficult skill roll for ships between 1/2 to 3/4 the YZ-775 size (25m to 40m long); Heroic skill roll for ships between 1/4 to 1/2 the size (15m to 25m long); Moderate skill roll for larger ships up to half +1 1/2 the size (60m-100m long); smaller ships and starfighters cannot install this shield generator.  Larger ships can install it with easier Difficulty, but if they are capital scale, they may be better off purchasing a capital scale shield generator.

-Purchase New Power Source:  5,000 credits per Hull Die (1,000 per pip); +5 metric tons per Hull Die (+1 metric ton per pip); Installation Difficulty is 1 level lower than those stated above as long as the crew has the proper facilities and equipment and a technician/engineer crew to aid the process, or the GM could allow installation to be part of the purchase price (or charge more for it).

-Old Power Source: The old power source can be sold to reduce the price of the new one.  1,000 credits per Hull Die (200 per pip); 3 metric tons per Hull Die (1 metric ton per pip).

   GMs who feel this shield generator is too powerful (and who would blame you!?), feel free to reduce it to 3D.


   Sensors were figured by placing them somewhere in the middle between a stock YT-2400 and a PB-950 Patrol Boat, powerful for a civilian ship, but not full military level, and leaving room to be improved or replaced later.

Turbolaser Cannons

   Implied to be more powerful than the previous versions carried on the YZ-775 ship, Damage is increased +1D.  Also, this turret is stated to have a proton torpedo launcher built into it.  If GMs use this, give it the same stats as the other 2 proton torpedo launchers, but with the same Fire Arc as the Turbolaser.

Proton Torpedo Tubes

   Information on the Wookiepedia page says they can also use Concussion Missiles.  This means these are some form of Variable Payload Launchers.  GMs/players may allow these to use other forms of missiles and torpedoes, such as Anti-Shield Plasma Torpedoes, etc.

   While these weapons do not mention being fire-linked in the original D20 article or the Wookiepedia page, the 10D Damage implies that perhaps they were (standard proton torpedoes usually do 9D Damage).  GMs may wish to either fire-link the weapons to explain the higher Damage, or say that these use a higher yield warhead (which will cost more to replace).  Note that most starfighters with fire-linked pairs of proton torpedoes have 9D Damage, but Galaxy Guide 6 Tramp Freighters has singular torpedoes also doing 9D Damage.

Missile Speed

   If you are using traditional Star Wars D6 rules, just ignore this, it's no big deal.  However, if you want your missile weapons to work more like other sci-fi franchises, and/or a little IRL, then use this optional rule: When fired, the missile does not stop at space range 7.  Instead, it keeps traveling, using this range as the missile's Space Speed (and relevant Atmosphere Speed).  The missile keeps traveling in that direction at this speed (if it did not hit anything last round, like if the chaser was just out of range).  While this means missiles can be more useful, it also means moving targets like ships will have more time to figure out what to do against the incoming missile(s).

Rotating Launch Frame

   When the A-Wings are docked with the launch frame, it can launch them at high speed from the No Luck Required, at a Space Speed of 15.  This is faster than the A-Wing's Speed of 12, and the A-Wing's engines can maintain this speed as long as they fly in a straight line after launch.  Once they change direction, the are reduced to their normal Speed.  Great for getting these starfighters into combat or where ever they need to go real quick in space, but it is not useable in an atmosphere.  When not made ready for launch the A-Wings are stored in the Luck's cargo hold, which has been converted into a full service hangar and maintenance bay for the fighters.


   The Description states that the ship's cargo hold has been converted to carry the four A-Wings.  Since the Cargo Capacity is now 150 metric tons from the original 400 of a stock YZ-775 Medium Transport, I figure 50 metric tons per starfighter have been converted over to hangar space inside the ship, and 50 more for the Rotating Launch Frame.  The Frame is bigger than the A-Wings, so some of it is installed inside the ship, while the bulk of it is outside the ship.

   However, it is also worth mentioning that the No Luck Required has also had several weapons removed and its Speed is reduced -4, and that these changes may have freed up even more cargo space..  Either this space was further used for the Hangar and Launch Frame, or this extra space could be used for some other supplies or equipment, possiblyy related to its purpose as a "Jedi rescue ship" during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

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