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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: SithSubtype: JEDI AND SITH WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENTEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: The Stranger's lightsaber
Model: Lightsaber
Type: Split saber (Single-bladed lightsaber, Shoto lightsaber (when separated))
Culture: Sith
Date created: During or prior to 132 BBY
Date destroyed: 132 BBY, Brendok
Owners: "The Stranger"
Crystal: Kyber crystal
Blade color: Red
Purpose: Lightsaber combat
Affiliation: Sith
Scale: Character
Skill: Lightsaber: Dual-phase lightsaber
Availability: Unique Item
Difficulty: Difficult
Damage: 5D

Game Notes: Has a second smaller (Shoto) lightsaber (Difficulty: Moderate (+1D to Parry skill rolls, -1D to attack skill rolls), Damage: 4D) contained within it's hilt, allowing the wielder to swap between single bladed fighting and two bladed fighting with ease.

Description: The Stranger's lightsaber was a red-bladed lightsaber used by the Sith known as "the Stranger" during the High Republic Era. It had the ability to be separated into two lightsabers, one of which was a shoto.

In 132 BBY, the Stranger, in his disguise as "the Master," met with his pupil and assassin Mae-ho Aniseya and ignited his lightsaber after telling her that an acolyte can kill a Jedi. During the mission to Khofar, the Stranger wielded his lightsaber and cortosis gear against a team of Jedi, ultimately cutting through most of the detachment. When confronted by Padawan Jecki Lon, he broke his lightsaber into its two halves to execute the Padawan. The Jedi Knight Yord Fandar jumped into the Sith's path and used the man's own cortosis helmet to briefly shut down the Stranger's blade, only for the Stranger to overpower and kill Fandar by breaking his neck.

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