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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: NihilSubtype: Space StationEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Tragor/Shingcu Station
Type: Space station
Region: Outer Rim Territories, Occlusion Zone
Planet: Chenley Prime
Affiliation: Nihil
Owner(s): Boolan
Crewmembers: Reek
Scale: Capital
Crew: Less than a Dozen
Passengers: Hundreds of Experimental Patients
Cargo Capacity: Thousands of tonnes
Consumables: 2 Years
Hull: 4D
Shields: 1D
         Passive: 50/0D
         Scan: 150/1D
         Search: 400/3D
         Focus: 5/4D

Description: Tragor Station, also known as Shingcu Station, was a space station within the atmosphere of the gas giant Chenley Prime that served as a base of operations for Baron Boolan, the Minister of Advancement of the Nihil marauders. Aboard the station, Boolan and his assistant, Reek, performed experiments on Nameless as well as kidnapped Force-sensitive children whom the baron wanted to turn into his Children of the Storm. The station shared its name with Tragor, Boolan's late father.

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