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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: EQUIPMENTEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Tunqstoid Steel Shock Floors
Type: Datapad
Scale: Character
Damage: 3D energy damage, 6D stun damage

Game Notes: When activated the shock floors effect anyone not wearing protection (such as Tungstoid Boots) standing or touching the floor. The system has a weakness that it can be shorted out with a significant quantity of water (broken pipe or the like, not just a cup or even bucket of water), leading to overloads and system failures beyond just the security system as power goes down until rebooted.

Description: Tunqstoid steel was a type of grey steel. It was used to make the tiled floors of the Imperial Prison Complex on the moon Narkina 5. The floor was capable of being electrified, described as "going hot," which caused immense pain to the barefooted prisoners of the facility and could prove fatal.

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