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Wing Pylon System v3.0

Date of release: 18th August 1998

This document replaces previous versions of the Wing Pylon Rules. It is a combination of my original rules and Kevin Dole?s expansion rules but in some cases I have modified or altered the rules to better conform with my gaming.

The rules contained within this document are intended to introduce the ability for starfighters to carry and use externally mounted weapons, electronics or other equipment into the Star Wars Roleplaying Universe.

Some people might think that this contradicts canon, i.e such things are not used within the movies, but these rules are a logical extension of warfare as we know today on Earth. In addition, several of the novels feature externally pylon-mounted missiles and guns so in my view the point whether this is canon or not is moot. Use them as you see fit in your game play!

The Rules


First we must determine how much your starfighter can carry. The formula for this is simple; take the ship?s length, in meters times three. This is the maximum amount of payload you can carry externally. You must also determine what 3/4 and 1/2 of the maximum value is, and then, if necessary, round the values according to standard mathematical rules. The values you get is the number of payload dice you have.

    Max: Ship?s length, in meters x 3 D
    3/4: Max x 0,75 D
    1/2: Max x 0,5 D

As always, it is up to the Gamemaster to determine if these values are indeed correct. Some fighters may not be capable of carrying the calculated amount of payload due to the configuration of the ship. This is especially true for the A-Wing and B-Wing. In those cases use your own judgement.

Hard Points:

In order to carry the payload, you must have somewhere to put it. There are several types of hard points available ranging from pylons to bomb bays.

Bomb Bay

Internal weapon bays, which can carry any type of gear, although some might require special equipment. Gravity bombs and missiles are no problem, for direct-fire weapons such as gun pods and direct fire/dumb rockets, you will need a elevator system to lower the gun out of the weapons bay. This is simply a hydraulic lift fitted with the needed link ups, it weighs 1D.
Placement: Normally under the main body of the vessel

Semi-Recessed Missile Housing

These are actually indents into the skin of the fighter, wired to take missiles, but by adding a specially designed pylon (mass 1D), it is possible to mount any type of gear.
Placement: Normally under the main body of the vessel

Centerline Pylon

Capable of taking any kind of payload. This is in many cases the largest pylon available. Please note that it is possible to have several centerline pylons, although in those cases they are smaller than one large.
Placement: Under the main body of the vessel

Wing Pylons:

These are pylons bolted to the wings. You can, if possible subdivide these for each wing into Inboard Pylon, Middle Pylon and Outboard Pylon.
Placement: Normally under the wings of the vessel, but missile pylons can also be mounted above the wing.

Wingtip Pylon:

These are pylons which cannot take heavy payloads. They are normally used to take light or medium anti-fighter missiles.
Placement: On the tip of the wing

Fitting New Pylons:

Fitting exterior pylons takes up no weight, but it is difficult. Each 3D worth of pylons takes 2 Moderate Starfighter Repair or Space Transports Repair rolls (to mount the actual pylon), plus a Moderate Starship Weapons Repair roll for each pylon (to get the right computer linkups). They cost 500 credits per 1D in each pylon, plus 300 credits per individual pylon.

Semi-recessed missile housings require 3 Moderate Starfighter/Space Transports Repair rolls and a Moderate Starship Weapons Repair for each pylon roll. They cost 800 credits per 1D of space, plus 500 credits per individual housings.

Bomb Bays may only be added at the expense of cargo space, living quarters or other spaces. These are usually only added to freighters, as fighters usually don't have the needed space. Please note that fighters may have bomb bays but those were designed from scratch with this ability.

Bomb bays require three tons of space for every 20D of pylon capacity. They require four moderate Space Transports Repair rolls per bay, and two Moderate Starship Weapons Repair rolls per bay. They cost 1000-2000 credits per each 1D of space, plus 500-1000 credits for each individual bay.

External payload for some well-known starfighters:

Z-95 Max: 11.8 x 3 = 35,4, rounded to 35D
    External Payload; Max: 35D, 3/4: 26D, 1/2: 18D
        1 Centreline Pylon (9D)
        2 Semi-Recessed Missile Housings (2D)
        4 Wing Pylons (5D)
        2 Wingtip Pylons (1D)

A-Wing Max: 9.6 x 3 = 28.8, rounded to 29D
    External Payload; Max: 29D, 3/4: 22D, 1/2: 14D)
        4 Semi-Recessed Missile Housings (1D)
        2 Wingtip Pylons (1D)

B-Wing Max: 16.9 x 3 = 50,7, rounded to 51D
    External Payload; Max: 51D, 3/4: 38D, 1/2: 25D)
        2 Semi-Recessed Missile Housings (2D)
        3 Wingtip Pylons (2D)

X-Wing Max: 12.5 x 3 = 37,5, rounded to 38D
    External Payload; Max: 38D, 3/4: 28D, 1/2: 19D
        1 Centreline Pylon (10D)
        2 Semi-Recessed Missile Housings (2D)
        2 Wing Pylons (8D)
    4 Wingtip Pylons (2D)

Y-Wing Max: 16 x 3 = 48D
    External Payload; Max: 48D, 3/4: 36D, 1/2: 24D)
        1 Centreline Pylon (16D)
        4 Semi-Recessed Missile Housings (2D)
        2 Wing Pylons (12D)

TIE Max: 6.3 x 3 = 18,9, rounded to 19D
    External Payload; Max: 19D, 3/4: 14D, 1/2: 10D)
        1 Centreline Pylon (3D)
        2 Wing Pylons (8D)

TIE Interceptor Max: 6.6 x 3 = 19,8, rounded to 20D
    External Payload; Max: 20D, 3/4: 15D, 1/2: 10D)
        1 Centreline Pylon (4D)
        2 Wing Pylons (8D)

TIE Bomber Max: 7.8 x 3 = 23,4, rounded to 23D
    External Payload; Max: 23D, 3/4: 17D, 1/2: 12D)
        2 Centreline Pylons (10D)
        1 Wing Pylons (3D)


As always, there are drawbacks. Starfighters which are heavily loaded suffers a reduction in maneuverability and speed according to the following table:

Spacecraft at 3/4 or above of allowed payload;
    Maneuverability -2D
    Space -1
    Atmosphere speed drops 2 steps
Spacecraft at 1/2 up to 3/4 of allowed payload;
    Maneuverability -1D
    Atmosphere speed drops 1 step
Spacecraft below 1/2 of allowed payload suffers no penalties.

Game Notes:

* Maneuverability cannot go under 0, but any maneuverability penalty left reduces the relevant piloting skill with the remaining penalty.

Example: The pilot Maverick has starfighter piloting 5D, and is currently flying a Z-95 with a maneuverability of 1D. He has loaded his fighter as much as it can carry and consequently has a maneuverability penalty of -2D. This reduces his maneuverability to 0D and his piloting skill to 4D.

* The carrying of different types of weapons on the same pylon requires an adapter with a weight of 1D.
* All external payload can be ejected if necessary.
* Please note that 1D equals 100 kilogram.

Since missiles, proton torpedos, bombs and rockets are difficult to aim and target against moving targets, the following modifications apply:
Space Speed  Atmosphere Speed  Increase To Difficulty
    3           100-150                 +5
    4           151-200                 +10
    5           201-250                 +15
    6+          251+                    +20


There are some abbreviations used below. Here are the definitions:
    C character scale
    S speeder scale
    W walker scale
    SF starfighter scale
    CA capital scale

When I use the term "direct-fire weapon", I am referring to a weapon that fires off of the pylon itself, instead of dropping free before ignition

The given range for missiles and other self-propelled weapons is intended to be the range for the fire control on the weapon itself, while flighttime gives a figure on how many rounds it may travel at all-out speed.

The move rating on missiles is how fast it travels at cruise speed. Please note that missiles normally go at all-out movement and thus have a move four times the listed one.

The maneuverability rating on missiles is meant as a difficulty to try to shoot down the missile, not as an indication of how agile the missile is. If it can track you through the maneuver, it can do the maneuver. It is always in speeder scale.

The body rating is always in speeder scale, even if the warhead may be in capital scale, and is intended to provide an indication on how tough the hull of the missile is.

To figure out atmospheric range on the weapons below, the rule of thumb is that each space unit is equal to 100m.

Direct-fire Weapons

Turbolaser Pods

These are very powerful laser cannons. They have long range and hit hard. They also have horrible power requirements. Still, they provide powerful, long range firepower at the beginning of a raid, and then they may be ejected before entering close combat. For this reason, it is a common modification to fit these with a distress beacon. After all, no one wants to explain to the boss how they lost something this expensive.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Turbolaser
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting
    Ammo: 10 Shots
    Fire Rate: 1/2
Model              Scale  Range       Weight  Damage  Cost
Incom W-34t        SF     3-15/36/75  20D     7D      9,000
SoroSuub Turbogun  SF     3-15/36/75  15D     5D      8,000

Laser Cannon, Blaster Cannon and Autoblaster Pods

Not as heavy as turbolasers, laser cannons can shoot more often and are much smaller. They are often mounted in sets of two, three and four, and fire-linked.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Laser Cannon, Blaster Cannon, or Autoblaster (depends on the weapon)
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting
    Ammo: 10 Shots, except Blasters which have 20 shots
Model                    Scale  Range      Weight  Damage  Cost
Kurt Vonak Light Laser          1-3/12/25  2D      2D      1,500
Kurt Vonak Medium Laser         1-3/12/25  3D      3D      2,000
Arakyd Tomral                   1-3/12/25  5D      5D      3,000

Slayn & Kopril G-3       SF     1-8/25/40  3D      2D      4,000
Slayn & Kopril G-4       SF     1-8/25/40  4D      3D      5,000

Taim & Bak Kd-3          SF     1-5/10/17  1D      1D      1,000
Taim & Bak Kd-4          SF     1-5/10/17  2D      2D      1,200
Taim & Bak Kd-5          SF     1-5/10/17  3D      3D      1,500


Disruptors are not a traditional weapon. However, the Tenloss Syndicate isn't really all that interested in the repercussions of using these weapons, which shatter objects. They don't actually use these on their own ships, but they do sell them to other criminals, who care little for the risks of this weapon
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Disruptor Cannon
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting
    Ammo: 5 Shots
    Fire Rate. 1/3
Model              Scale  Range  Weight  Damage  Cost
Tenloss Heavy Gun  SF     1/2/4  10D     10D     10,000

Game Note: On a Wild Die roll of "1", the cannon malfunctions.

Mass Drivers

Mass drivers are simple, old-style rail guns. They have remained in service for two reasons: they ignore ray shielding, and they use no power. This last is very important to anyone trying not to advertise that they are armed. They have the very noticeable draw back that they have limited ammo and low damage potential.
    Skill: Vehicle Firearms: Mass Driver
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting
    Ammo: 20 Shots
Model              Scale  Range     Weight  Damage  Cost
Alderaan Royal Engineers:
--M-242C Rail Gun  SF     1-2/8/12  4D      5D      1000
--M-238H Rail Gun  SF     1-2/8/12  3D      4D      800
--M-231B Rail Gun  SF     1-2/8/12  2D      3D      500
+30 shots of ammo                   1D      --      100

Ion Cannon

Useful for privateering, counterintellignece and law enforcement, ion cannons are becoming an increasingly popular item on external mounts.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Ion Cannon
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting
    Ammo: 10 Shots
Model      Scale  Range     Weight  Damage  Cost
Comar f-2  SF     1-3/7/36  1D      2D Ion  1,000
Comar f-4  SF     1-3/7/36  2D      3D Ion  1,500
Comar f-9  SF     1-3/7/36  3D      4D Ion  3,000

Incom Combi-gun

A new, and unique, weapon, the Incom Combi-gun combines both a laser and an ion cannon into one jointly fired and linked package. Currently in it's first generation, it is a little bulky. However, Incom expects that this shall improve within the next few years. This combination in designed for attacking shielded ships, and does its job quite well.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Combi-Gun
    Fire Control: uses the vessel's Focus sensor mode.
    Ammo: 6 Shots
    Fire Rate: 1/2
Model                  Scale  Range      Weight  Damage    Cost
Incom XW-21 Combi-gun  SF     1-3/12/25  10D     4D Ion    10,000
                                                 4D Normal

Note: Roll Ion damage before the regular damage.

Tractor Beam Pod

The tractor beam reduces the targets maneuverability, however, it is under development and therefore is fragile to use under real combat situations.
Roll 1D each time it is used, on a 5 or 6 the tractor beam is disabled, requires a moderate starship weapon repair roll to fix.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Tractor Beam
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting
    Ammo: 10 Rounds of use
Model            Scale  Range      Weight  Damage    Cost
Sienar Adv/x-2T  SF     1-3/12/25  10D     -3D man.  8,000

Conner Nets

An older weapon, they have remained in service as they are very useful to immobilize ships, particularly those on the ground. They have the added bonus of potentially damaging those who touch the net, requiring them to burned off unless the crew is willing to wait a few hours for any residual charge to disperse.
Model             Scale  Range   Weight  Damage  Blast Radius  Cost
SoroSuub Type IV  SF     1/5/10  5D      5D ion  50m           5,000

Game Notes: Difficult Starship Gunnery roll to activate. All ships touched by net suffer +5D penalty to any action that requires an electronic system. Any person touching the net suffers 10D character damage.

"Dumb" Rockets

"Dumb", or unguided, rockets are simple, ballistically fired weapons that contain no seekers nor maneuvering capabilities. They are manufactured my many manufactures and fill many different roles. Usually packed in pods containing anywhere from 5 to 20, their mission is dictated by their payloads. They are in limited service with the Empire, but planetary and corporate forces are known to use them.
    Skill: Missile Weapons: Air-to-ground Rockets
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting
    Move: 8
Model                Scale    Range                   Weight         Cost
Rendilli Arms AX-13  S        100-200/400/800m        1D/5-shot,     250/rocket
-13A Hypervelocity   Damage:  5D                      Blast Radius:  2m
-13B Fragmentation   Damage:  3D                      Blast Radius:  10m
-13C Incendiary      Damage:  4D for 10 rounds        Blast Radius:  5m

Incom Starburst      S        100-200/800/1600m       +2             600
                     Damage:  5D                      Blast Radius:  20m

SoroSuub Firestorms  C        3-40/120/400m           1D (10-shot)   2000
--Anti-tank          Damage:  10D                     Blast Radius:  2m
--Anti-personnel     Damage:  5D/4D/3D/2D             Blast Radius:  2/8/14/20m     
--Smoke              Damage:  4D smoke                Blast Radius:  10m
--White Phosphorous  Damage:  5D/4D/3D next 5 rounds  Blast Radius:  2/8/14m

Indirect Fire Weapons:

Concussion Missiles

These are simply high explosive warheads, usually with duraluminum penetrator tips. The explosives are calibrated to produce a harmonized shock wave in hard material, tearing the target apart from the inside. They are more popular than proton torpedoes with the Empire, while smugglers, pirates and mercenaries use them in about equal portions.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Concussion Missiles
    Fire Control: vehicle's Search sensors setting. +10 bonus to hit capital scale or larger targets.
Model                  Scale  Range     Weight  Damage  Cost
Arakyd Dumb Missile    SF     1-2/8/15  2D      8D      500
  (Move 15, maneuver 1D, tracking 0D, flightime 10 rounds, body +1)
Arakyd Smart Missile   SF     1-2/8/15  2D      8D      1,500
  (Move 15, maneuver 1D, tracking 4D, flightime 10 rounds, body +1)
Arakyd Savant Missile  SF     1-2/8/15  2D      8D      3,000
  (Move 15, maneuver 1D, tracking 0D/4D first/later round(s), 10 rounds, body +1)

Subpro Concussive:
      mk.I             SF     1/3/7     1D      5D      500
        (Move 24, maneuver 1D, tracking 1D, flighttime 6 rounds, body +1)
      mk.II            SF     1/3/7     1D      6D      800
        (Move 24, maneuver 1D, tracking 2D, flighttime 6 rounds, body +1)
      mk.III           SF     1/3/7     2D      7D      1,000
        (Move 24, maneuver 1D, tracking 3D, flighttime 6 rounds, body +1)
      mk.IV            SF     1-5/8/12  2D      8D      1,200
        (Move 24, maneuver 1D, tracking 3D, flighttime 6 rounds, body +1)

Proton Torpedoes

Similar to concussion missiles, these projectiles carry proton scattering warheads, much like an overgrown thermal detonator. These are preferred by the Rebellion (which has standardized the Incom M-4329 series for their starfighters' launchers), and the Empire is showing some interest in them, as demonstrated by the new multi-launcher adopted on the TIE Bomber after the first production run. They lack the range of modern concussion missiles, but are more powerful.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Proton Torpedoes
    Fire Control: vehicle's Search sensors setting. +10 bonus to hit Capital scale or larger targets.
Model        Scale  Range  Weight  Damage          Cost
Incom M-series:
  (Move: 12, maneuver 1D, tracking 2D, flighttime 12 rounds, body +2)
M-4329/A     SF     1/3/7  2D      9D              800
M-4329/E     SF     1/5/9  2D      9D              1,000
M-4329/HART  SF     1/3/7  2D      2D, 5D ion      2,500
M-4329/T     SF     1/3/7  2D      homing beacon*  1,500

Arakyd Proton Torpedoes:
  (Move: 12, maneuver 1D, tracking 2D, flighttime 12 rounds, body +2)
APT-148      SF     1/3/7  2D      7D              700
APT-152      SF     1/3/7  2D      8D              750
APT-169      SF     1/3/7  2D      9D              800
APT-190      SF     1/3/7  3D      10D             900

*Note: uses subspace transmitter, 10Ly range)

Stand Off Missiles

SOMs give the user a nice feeling of security during an attack, as they are usually fired outside the range of the enemy's guns. Most use a proton warhead, and a very large ion engine for propulsion. Usually used to attack capital ships, these semi-intelligent weapons are rapidly becoming popular with the Rebellion. Fortunately for civilians, the Emperor's troops have taken greater control of the sale of these weapons to prevent these from being used by the Criminal Rebellion against civilian shipping and transport.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Stand-Off Missiles
    Fire Control: Requires target lock, an entire round for aiming and holding the target in sight. The advantage of target lock is an additional +1D to fire control. SOM's uses the search mode on the ships sensors for initial targeting but relies on its own sensor for mid-course updating and terminal homing. Their tracking abilities, speed, maneuverability and body strength varies between models. If target is in starfighter-scale or smaller, add +10 to difficulty to hit.
Model                    Scale  Range      Weight  Damage    Cost
Arakyd AGM-84A Harpoon   SF     1-5/15/30  5D      9D        5,000
  (Move 10, maneuver 2D, tracking 4D, flighttime 22 rounds, body 1D)
Ekkar Arms AM39          SF     1-5/15/30  6D      10D       5,000
  (Move 10, maneuver 2D, tracking 3D, flighttime 20 rounds, body 1D)
Incom AGM-86B            CA     1/3/7      13D     10D nuke  20,000
  (Move 10, maneuver 0D, tracking 1D, flighttime 600 rounds, body 1D)
Interstellar Arms ASMP   CA     1-5/8/12   9D      5D        12,000
  (Move 30, maneuver 1D, tracking 1D, flighttime 25 rounds, body 1D)
Interstellar Arms RBS15  SF     1-5/20/40  6D      10D       6,000
  (Move 10, maneuver 2D, tracking 4D, flighttime 20 rounds, body 1D)
Sienar Fleet Systems:
  --AS-6a                CA     1/3/7      40D     14D nuke  50,000
  --AS-6b                CA     1-5/20/40  40D     10D       30,000
    (Move 30, maneuver 0D, tracking 3D, flighttime 50 rounds, body 1D)

Ion Radiation Tracking Missiles

This is a very old design. Originally used against atmospheric craft, these used to track the thermal signature of the target's engines. When Ion engines came into existence, starfighters lost most of their thermal signature. Then some bright boy designed a seeker head that tracked off of the ion trail left by an ion engine. Their use remains unchanged- short range, fire and forget capabilities. They are easily distracted by ion flares.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: IR missiles
    Fire Control: The IR-missile uses the passive mode on the ships sensors for initial targeting but relies on its own sensor for terminal homing. Its specialized tracking device gives +2D to fire control when used against starfighter-scale vessels. The range given is the target lock range. Their tracking abilities, speed, maneuverability, and range and body strength varies between models.
        Difficulty to hit the target varies depending upon launch position:
            Frontal Attack : +10 to difficulty
            Side Attack : +5 to difficulty
            Rearward Attack : -10 to difficulty
Model                   Scale  Range      Weight  Damage  Cost
Arakyd AA-8 Aphid       SF     1-2/3/5    +2      3D      1,000
  (Move: 24, maneuver 6D, tracking 3D, flighttime 2 rounds, body +1)
Incom Mynock:
  --AIM 9B              SF     1-3/5/8    +2      3D      800
    (Move: 24, maneuver 2D, tracking 1D, flighttime 4 rounds, body +1)
  --AIM 9J              SF     1-3/5/10   +2      4D      1,100
    (Move: 24, maneuver 2D, tracking 2D, flighttime 8 rounds, body +1)
  --AIM 9L              SF     1-5/10/15  +2      4D      1,500
    (Move: 24, maneuver 2D, tracking 3D, flighttime 12 rounds, body +1)
Taim & Bak R.550 Magic  SF     1-2/5/10   +2      4D      1,200
  (Move: 24, maneuver 2D, tracking 4D, flighttime 4 rounds, body +1)

Intercept Missiles

Using an active sensor seeker head, these missiles offer longer range than ion tracking missiles. The Republic used these extensively, but they see little use today. Why this is unknown, but no one seems to like them these days. It could be because capital ships, the usual target of missiles these days, are just to large for an intercept missile's brain to hit.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Intercept Missiles
    Fire Control: IM's uses the search mode on the ships sensors for initial targeting but relies on its own sensor for terminal homing. Its specialized tracking device gives +2D to fire control when used against starfighter-scale vessels. Their tracking abilities, speed, maneuverability and body strength varies between models. However, if the missile is used against capital-scale targets or bigger, add +10 to difficulty to hit.
Model                  Scale  Range      Weight  Damage  Cost
Arakyd Intercept Missiles:
  --AIM-7E Firestreak  SF     1-5/15/25  2D      7D      5,000
    (Move: 40, maneuver 2D, tracking 3D, flighttime 3 rounds, body +2)
  --AIM-7F Firestreak  SF     1-5/15/25  2D      7D      6,000
    (Move: 40, maneuver 3D, tracking 4D, flighttime 6 rounds, body +2)
Interstellar Arms:
  -- RB71 Sky Flash    SF     1-5/15/25  2D      7D      5,500
    (Move: 40, maneuver 2D, tracking 4D, flighttime 4 rounds, body +2)
Sienar Fleet Systems:
  --AIM-54A Phoenix    SF     3-15/30/45  5D     9D      14,000
    (Move: 50, maneuver 2D, tracking 4D, flighttime 10 rounds, body +2)

Anti-Radiation Missiles

These were original meant for suppression of enemy sensor systems, they quickly became a selfdefense weapon as IR and Intercept missiles were adapted for ground launching against starfighters and landing craft. As the anti-starfighter business went over almost entirely to energy weapons, ARMs dropped in popularity. Now, they are used primarily to force enemy ships to shut off their sensors at the beginning of a raid. They are effective, in that the best use a sub-nuclear explosive that is designed to minimize fallout and blast, much like a proton torpedo, but to maximize the electromagnetic pulse, killing electronics.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: ARM Missiles
    Fire Control: ARM's uses the search mode on the ships sensors for initial targeting but relies on its own sensor for terminal homing. Its specialized tracking device gives +2D to fire control when used against any type of active sensor.
Model                   Scale  Range       Weight  Damage      Cost
Arakyd AGM-45 Shrike    SF     2-10/15/20  2D      1D, 3D ion  3,000
  (Move 20, maneuver 2D, tracking 3D, flighttime 5 rounds, body +2)
Arakyd AGM-78 Standard  SF     2-10/20/40  6D      2D, 6D ion  10,000
  (Move 24, maneuver 1D, tracking 2D plus enemy's sensor bonus in their
    current operating mode, flighttime 6 rounds, body 1D)
Arakyd AGM-88 HARM      SF     2-10/20/40  4D      2D, 5D ion  6,000
  (Move 20, maneuver 2D, tracking 2D plus enemy's sensor bonus in their
    current operating mode, flighttime 3 rounds, body +2)

"Iron" Bombs

"Iron", or unguided, bombs are simple, ballistically fired weapons that contain no seekers nor maneuvering capabilities. Easy to produce, they are manufactured by many. Most are based on those designed by Republic Munitions, later Imperial Munitions.
    Skill: Missile Weapons: Bombs
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting -1D
    Space Range: Infinite
    Atmosphere Range: Depends on launch height and attackers speed
    Note: May only be used against stationary or very slow moving targets
Model  Scale  Effect           Weight  Damage                  Blast Radius  Cost
Republic Munitions (later Imperial Munitions):
M103   SF     Armour piercing  9D      11D/7D/2D               3/10/15m      600
M104   S      Leaflet          +1      ---                                   50
M105   S      Leaflet          2D      ---                                   100
M109   CA     General Purpose  54D     10D/6D/2D               10/20/40m     1700
M110   CA     General Purpose  100D    16D/10D/4D              20/40/60m     3000
M116   S      Napalm           3D      5D/4D/3D next 5 rounds  10/20/30m     250
M117   SF     General Purpose  3D      6D/3D/1D                3/15/30m      200
M118   SF     General Purpose  14D     15D/10D/5D              3/15/30m      700
M121   CA     General Purpose  45D     9D/5D/1D                10/20/40m     1500
M124   SF     Practice         1D      1D/+1/--                3/8/--m       50
Imperial Munitions:
Mk 1   SF     Blast            9D      12D/10D/8D              3/15/30m      600
Mk 15  S      Practice         +1      +1/--/--                2/--/--m      30
Mk 33  SF     Armour-Piercing  4D      8D/4D/1D                3/10/15m      600
Mk 79  S      Napalm           3D      5D/4D/3D next 5 rounds  10/20/30m     300
Mk 81  SF     General purpose  1D      3D/2D/1D                3/15/30m      150
Mk 82  SF     General purpose  2D      5D/3D/1D                3/15/30m      200
Mk 83  SF     General purpose  4D      7D/5D/2D                3/15/30m      350
Mk 84  SF     General purpose  9D      10D/7D/4D               3/15/30m      500
Mk 86  SF     Practice         1D      1D/+1/--                3/8/--m       50
Mk 87  SF     Practice         2D      2D/1D/--                3/8/--m       75
Mk 88  SF     Practice         4D      3D/1D+2/+1              3/10/15m      100

Guided Bombs

A guided bomb is basically a plain iron bomb fitted with a target-detecting device in front and trajectory-control fins at the front and rear. This increases the stand-off range and greatly improves the chance of a hit compared to normal bombs. Iron bombs modified to this standard adds the acronym HOBOS (Homing Bomb System) to their model number. i.e mk84 HOBOS.
    Skill: Missile Weapons: Guided Bombs
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting
    Space Range: Infinite
    Atmosphere Range: Depends on launch height and attackers speed
    Note: May only be used against stationary or very slow moving targets
    Use the iron bombs mentioned earlier, but add the following mass to their weight:
        Bombs weighing below 5D add +1 to their weight
        Bombs weighingbetween 5D and 10D add +1D to their weight
        Bombs weighing over 10D add +2D to their weight

Cluster Bomb

Cluster bombs are filled with sub-munitions bombs which greatly increases the chance of a hit but decreases the available damage due to the larger area to be covered.
    Skill: Missile Weapons: Cluster Bombs
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting +1D
    Space Range: Infinite
    Atmosphere Range: Depends on launch height and attackers speed
    Note: May only be used against stationary or very slow moving targets
Model             Scale  Weight  Damage & Blast Radius  Cost
Imperial Munitions:
  --mk20 Rockeye  S      3D      6D/4D/2D, 10/20/30     300

Fuel Air Munition (FAM) Bomb

When a FAM bombs explode, it releases a cloud of fuel vapors. These highly flammable vapors then detonate, producing a massive explosion. This type of bomb works best in a standard atmosphere&gravity. It is not usable in vaccum or a high gravity enviroment.
    Skill: Missile Weapons: FAM Bombs
    Fire Control: vehicle's Focus sensors setting +1D
    Atmosphere Range: Depends on launch height and attackers speed
    Note: May only be used against stationary or very slow moving targets
Model     Scale  Weight  Damage & Blast Radius  Cost
Imperial Munitions:
  BLU-76  SF     5D      7D/5D/3D, 20/40/60     500


Targeting Jammers

Originally meant for courier and recon ships, these were adopted by squadrons that took on defense suppression missions for survivability reasons during the Clone Wars. In more recent conflicts, they have been used to protect stick craft from other fighters during raids. The A-Wing series has had one of these mounted internally.
    Skill: Sensors
    Fire Control: 0D, works against all enemy craft in range, all fire arcs.
Model              Scale  Range     Weight  Damage  Cost
Fabritech ALQ-101  SF     1-3/7/15  2D      -1D FC  4000
Fabritech ALQ-119  SF     1-3/7/15  4D      -2D FC  5000
Fabritech ALQ-131  SF     1-3/7/15  6D      -3D FC  6000

Communication Jamming Pods

A Communications Jammer increases the difficulty of finding specific com frequencies and makes it harder to communicate with ships or people in the jammed area. This applies to both friendly and hostile forces.
    Skill: Communications
    Fire Control: 0D, works against ALL vessels in range.
Model               Scale  Range  Weight  Damage     Cost
Intelstar Silencer  SF     0-200  20D     See below  5,000

Fire Arcs Jammed            Communications Bonus  Power available for
All arcs                    +1                    10 rounds
Three arcs                  +1D                   8 rounds
Two arcs                    +2D                   7 rounds
One arc                     +3D                   6 rounds
One ship (focused jamming)  +4D                   5 rounds

Note: Roll the operator?s Communications skill with the relevant bonus from the table above, against the operator of the jammed target.

Sensor Jamming Pods

These function to block enemy sensor signals. They are often attached to the first wave of an attack to disguise the true strength of a force. They can not, however, block optical sensors.
    Skill: Sensors, all fire arcs.
    Fire Control: 0D, works against ALL vessels in range.
(damage note: the first number is the difficulty modifier to all scanner operations inside of the area of effect, including fire control. The second number is the difficulty modifier to detect the jamming. )
Model                    Scale  Range  Weight  Damage    Cost
Fabritech Nightblind472  SF     0-100  10D     +1D, -2D  4,000
IntelStar Blindside      SF     0-100  20D     +2D, -4D  5,000

Sensor Decoys

These are simple droid drones that are meant to provide a larger target to sensors.
Model            Scale  Speed  Weight  Damage                      Cost
CEC Trickster    SF     5      5D      +2D to identify, 20 rounds  500
  Note: Moves in a preprogrammed pattern
MerenData Mimic  SF     10     10D     +2D to identify, 20 rounds  1,000
  Note: May be issued new movement instructions from mothership


Copycats are modified proton torpedoes or concussion missiles that mimic their parent craft. They may either be launched from a pylon or from a standard launcher.
    Skill: Computer Programming Repair: Copycat Missiles
    Fire Control: 0D
To distinguish between a copycat and the real thing, roll your sensor skill vs the programmer's Computer Pro/Rep skill +2D
Their service life depends on the speed that they are released at. Torpedoes function for one minute if they are going less than 6 space, 30 seconds if going faster than that, multiplied by the number before the D in their weight. Missiles function for one minute if going under 8 space, 30 seconds if going faster.
Model                   Scale  Weight                        Cost
Arakyd Decoy Torpedo 1  SF     1D (proton torpedo body)      900
Arakyd Decoy Torpedo 2  SF     2D (proton torpedo body)      1000
Arakyd Decoy Missile 3  SF     2D (concussion missile body)  1000
Arakyd Decoy Missile 4  SF     3D (concussion missile body)  1200

Flare and Chaff Pods

These are used to dispense ion flares, to confuse IR missiles, or sensor reflecting chaff, to confuse intercept missiles.
    Skill: None; ejection is a free action that takes place during the dodging phase
        Flares: +1D to evade IR missiles, lasts for 1 round
        Chaff: +1D to evade intercept missiles, last for one round
        Note: must declare wether a pod holds chaff or flares, can not be mixed
Model                 Scale  Weight  Cost
typical 10 count pod  SF     1D      50
   "    20 count pod  SF     2D      100
   "    30 count pod  SF     3D      150

Side-Looking Sensor Pods

These contain powerful, active sensors. They are used to supplement the capabilities of fighters that have pressed into a recon role.
    Skill: Sensors
    Fire Arc: All
Model               Effect                                  Weight  Cost
Fabritech ANx-y/2p  Scan 50/1D; Search 75/2D; Focus 4/3D    4D      5000
Fabritech ANy-x/6p  Scan 70/1D; Search 105/2D; Focus 6/3D   8D      7000
Merr-Sonn Finder    Scan 90/1D; Search 135/2D; Focus 8/3D   12D     10,000
Merr-Sonn Recon     Scan 30/1D; Search 50/2D; Focus 3/2D+2  3D      4000

Electronic Intelligence Pods

These are very sensitive sensor receivers and optical sensors with interpretive computers. They used to gather intelligence of the enemy's sensor capabilities, including the type, number and location of the active emitters, allowing intelligence officers to get an idea about such things as enemy defenses and the location of those defenses.
    Skill: Sensors
    Fire Arc: all
Model              Effect         Weight  Cost
Incom ELINT pod    Passive 40/1D  4D      4000
Incom Suppresser   Passive 40/2D  8D      5000
Incom ELINT-2      Passive 60/1D  8D      5500
Fabritech DFs-t/4  Passive 80/1D  12D     8000

Targeting Pod

Powerful, active sensors, these are designed to help weapons officers designate targets during a strike.
    Skill: Sensors
    Fire Arc: one
Model                          Effect                       Weight  Cost
Seinar Fleet Systems Targeter  Focus 6/4D (front arc only)  1D      4000
Incom Interrogator             Search 75/3D; Focus 4/5D     2D      6000

Target Designator

This is a simple, invisible, harmless laser beam that uses a coded pulse. It used to "paint" targets for friendly assets.
    Skill: Starship Gunnery: Target Designator
    Fire Arc: Front
Model                            Range      Weight  Cost
Seinar Fleet Systems Designator  1-3/12/25  1D      5000

Game Notes: Can paint 1 target per round. Gives a +1D Fire Control bonus for all friendly units receiving the data stream.

Sensor Buoy

Small, remote devices that contain nothing but a solar power converter, a subspace transmitter and a sensor package, these are meant to be dropped in overlapping patterns to make a checkpoint of provide security. They are often deployed from fighters at high speed, allowing a fleet to have a sensor perimeter several thousand kilometers in diameter in a few days if they are stopping for some reason.
Model                            Effect                            Weight  Cost
Fabritech Passive Sensor Beacon  Sensors skill 4D, Passive 20/0D   1D      1000
Incom Protector Buoy             Sensors skill 3D, Passive 10/0D;  1D      1500
                                 Scan 20/1D
Seinar Outposter                 Sensors skill 4D, Passive 10/0D;  3D      5000
                                 Scan 20/1D, Search 40/2D

Navigation Pod

Makes it possible for ships without nav computers to calculate hyperspace jumps.
Model           Effect           Weight  Cost
Navcomp Vo-lv0  Unlimited jumps  3D      2200
Navcomp X       10 jumps         2D      1100
navcomp Beta    2 jumps          1D      700

Ferry Tank

Increases the amount of available fuel, oxygen and food, making it possible to travel further between landings.
Model   Effect                  Weight  Cost
Small   +1 day of consumables   3D      400
Medium  +3 days of consumables  9D      1000
Large   +5 days of consumables  15D     1600

Cargo Pods

These are little more complicated than the ones made for speeders. These have vacuum rated seals and climate control capabilities. They hold 100kg and cost 200cr per D. It costs 50cr per D to add a one-time use cargo chute and signal beacon (for airborne resupply).

Rescue Pod

A modified cargo pod. a rescue pod carries one to two occupants, a small a mount of equipment and two days worth of provisions. Originally meant for rescuing downed pilots from very small clearings and leaving in a hurry, they have become a common piece of equipment with Special Operations wings for carrying commandos.
Model                     Weight  Cost
2-men, 50kg cargo         10D     2300
1 man, 30kg cargo         6D      1300
1 man, 10kg cargo, 1 day  4D      900

Auxiliary Thrusters

Simple, strap on boosters, these are used by some fighter pilots to increase their forward thrust for a limited period of time. They are also very limited in utility, as they are totally consumed by firing, they have marked effect on your manuverability and if too many are used at once, they can tear your craft apart at the seams.
Notes: For each unit of speed provided by the thrusters, reduce manuverability by 1D. (It IS possible to have a negative manuverability with these.) For every unit of speed provided by thrusters, roll 1D vs the body rating of the ship, figuring damage normally. They are totally expended at the end of one round.
Model               Effect                               Weight  Cost
Supbro Turboboost   +1 unit of thrust, see rules above   1D      500
Subpro Trackmaker   +2 units of thrust, see rules above  2D      650
Subpro Interceptor  +3 units of thrust, see rules above  3D      800

Comments made about this Article!

15/Jun/2017 02:59:07 Posted by zepdek {}

Been using this system ever since I found it years ago. Love it. It's balanced, it's fair, and it's not a 'free' add-on. If players want to use it, the system cost credits to add each pylon.

23/Jul/2020 00:31:18 Posted by zepdek

I have always loved this Wing Pylon system and have been using it for many...many years.

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