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Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: DROIDSEra: New RepublicCanon: No

Slayer Attack Droid/Assault Fighter

The Slayer Attack Droid/Assault Fighter is one of Temere's newest toys. Using some of it's most state of the art technology
in terms of droid intelligence they created a war droid capable of making it's own tactical decisions, sometimes even able
to outwit human oponnets in terms of tactical skill. The slayer has two forms, the first is the atomspheroic fighter, or
flgiht mode. In this mdoe it takes the form of an aerodynamical atmospheric fighter with typical wing structure ecetera.
On either side of the 'cockpit' are twin gatling barrels. Originaly the deisgn would call for firearm gatlings but ammo
concerns arose and they were repalced with plasma gatlings which fed off the droid's power core directly giving it an
unlimited supply of aumnition. In it's second form it is a tall humanoid walking on two elgs. It has two arms but they
end at mid elbow and instead branch out into two plasma gatling barrels instead. Each pair of gatlings are firelinked
making each pair essentialy one gatling with two barrels, simply seperated a bit. The barrels of the gatlings are very
long so when firing, the droid drops it's "hands" to it's waist and the barrels titlt to aim and extend out a good 3 or
four meters in front of the droid. In this mode the droid actualy stands at nearly 6 stories tall and is a very
intimidating sight in all it's greys, balcks, and dark blues with it's large cannons.

Era: Shadows of the Empire
Flight Mode:

Model: Temere Robotics Corporation Slayer Attack Droid
Type: Atmospheric Automated Attack Craft
Scale: Walker
Length: 12 meters
Crew: None (fully automated droid brain)
Crew Skill: Repulsorlift operation 5D, Vehicle Plasma Weapons 5D+1
Maneuverability: 2D
Atmosphere: 210; 600 kmh
Hull: 4D
2 Dual Heavy Plasma Gatlings
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Vehicle Plasma Weapons
    Fire Control: 2D
    Fire Rate: 5
    Atmosphere Range: 500-1000/1.5/2.5 km
    Damage: 6D+2
    Game Notes: On constant-fire mode the gatlings fire a burst of 20 rounds per shot. When firing a 'spray', a hit is
established, then a number of 'rounds' equal to the number to hit beat the difficulty or dodge by or 20 whichever is
lowest, hits the target. If multiple targets are within the spray, roll once while rolling dodges for all within the
spray, if hits are established they are spread sequentialy over all the targets. (i.e. if there's 3 targets and 11 rounds
hit, then you assign one hit to 1st guy, 1 hit to second, one hit to 3rd, then another to 1st and so on till you have 4
hits on the first two and 3 on the last)

Humanoid Mode
Height: 16.8 Meters

Dexterity: 2D
        Plasma Weapons 7D+2
        Dodge 4D
Knowledge: 1D
        Tactics 5D
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 3D
Strength: 4D
        Brawling 5D
Technical: 1D

Equipped With:
- 2 Dual Heavy Plasma Gatlings(one on each arm) Damage: 6D+2
    Game Notes: On constant-fire mode the gatlings fire a burst of 20 rounds per shot. When firing a 'spray', a hit is
    established, then a     number of 'rounds' equal to the number to hit beat the difficulty or dodge by or 20 whichever
    is lowest, hits the target. If multiple     targets are within the spray, roll once while rolling dodges for all
    within the spray, if hits are established they are spread     sequentialy over all the targets. (i.e. if there's 3
    targets and 11 rounds hit, then you assign one hit to 1st guy, 1 hit to second,     one hit to 3rd, then another to
    1st and so on till you have 4 hits on the first two and 3 on the last)
- 2 Legs (Move: 30; 90kmh)
- Communication Relay
- Human Range Sensors
- Infared, Radio, and sonar Sensors

Cost: 45,000

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All text and stats by Dave Maloney, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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