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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARMOUREra: New RepublicCanon: No

Vetricon VCG-5 Leg greaves

The VCG-5 is Vetricon's leg component to it's enw modular armour design.
The idea is to produce a full set of armour in modular components that
can be sold seperately. This allows people to choose just how mcuh
protection they want and can mix and match armour if they wish. The
leg rgeaves are each made of two plastoid peices conencted by a flexible
joint over the knee. A carbine holster sits on the right thgih peice,
and a universal sheath sit on the side of the left calf. On the open
market these greaves are foten seen worn over a combat jumpsuit.

Model: Vetricon Enterprises VCG-5 Leg greaves
Type: Leg Armour
Cost: 800 credits
Availability: 2, R
Basic Armor: +2 physical +1 energy
Universal Carbine Holster: Can be adjusted to fit most stockless        (or folding stock) carbines and some of the smaller                                 folding stock rifles (ie: the E11) on the market.
Universal Sheath: May be adjusted to fit most knives and vibro-edges up to 27cm blade length. May be adjusted to fit                                           popular shock batons and other devices. Fits on the side of the left calf.
Game Notes: Can be worn over Combat jumpsuit for added protection.

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