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Parliamentary Vasudan Alliance Hatshepsut Class Destroyer

Parliamentary Vasudan Alliance Hatshepsut Class Destroyer
Gerin Toda

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Lieutenant Heff Tobber (Human Rebel Pilot)

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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARMOUREra: New RepublicCanon: No

Neogen Assault Trooper Body Armor with Uniform

Most commanly found with the body armor is the Neogen uniform. The
dark slate grey fatiuges are worn under the body armor. Because of
this, the name of the trooper is engraved onto his armor, above the
right breast. The uniform also constits of a black vacume tight piece
of rubber worn on both the knees and the elbows. Straped to the pieces
of rubber are Knee and elbow protectors that are made of hard plastic
and a thin layer of durasteel over the top. Acompanied with the armour,
knee and elbow protectors is a fine pair of waterproof boots. Also
another special feature is the vacume sealed cargo pockets on the pants.
They are sealed with an inner layer of rubber. The pockets have a zipper
and can be covered by a rubber flap that has a special material at the
end that attaches to the flap and the base pocket.

Model: Neogen Assault Trooper Body Armor and Uniform
Type: Field Armour and Battle Dress Uniform
Scale: Character
Cost: 375 credits
Availability: 4
Game Notes: +1D physical, +2 energy (torso)

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