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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARMOUREra: New RepublicCanon: No

Neogen Assault Trooper Body Armor

When Jaimus Sunn first thought up the Neogen army, he wanted something
that would both strike fear into the enemy and create a symbol of his
military, much like the Imperial Stormtrooper's white, plated shock
uniforms. To show their strength he designed a special chest protector.
The protector was sculpted to display massive uperbody strength, so
they exagerated chest muscles. When worn it appears that the wearer is
extremly strong. Underneeth the thick but light durasteel outer shell
is a soft and padded shock vest. This vest helps absorb physical blows
to the wearer. The Armor also comes with a utility belt which carries
many ammo pouches.

Model: Neogen Assault Trooper Body Armor
Type: Field armor
Scale: Character
Cost: 350 credits
Availability: 4
Game Notes: +1D physical, +2 energy (torso)

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