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Section of Site: Equipment D20Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARMOUREra: New RepublicCanon: No

Titan Technologies Incinerator Heavy Combat Armor

The Horace was the third HCA to be constructed. It was the only solely anti-sub/ship HCA to be produced. It was armed with a Depth Charge Launcher and Drop-Down Torpedo Launcher. It was the slowest HCA to enter the field but also the only land/sea terrain combat vehicle.

Model: Titan Technologies Horace
Class: Powered Armor [Ground]
Crew: 1 (Skilled +4)
Size: Large (3.4 m Long)
Initiative: +3 (-1 Size, +4 Crew)
Maneuver: +3 (-1 Size, +4 Crew)
Defense: 14 (-1 Size, +5 Armor)
Move: 19 m
Max Velocity: 57 km/h
Hull: 90 (DR 10)
Shield: 30 (DR 5)
Cost: 325,000 credits

-Light Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +5 (-1 Size, +4 Crew, +2 Fire Control)
Damage: 2d8
Range Increment: 110 m

-Depth Charge Launcher
Fire Arc: Front/Down
Attack Bonus: +5 (-1 Size, +4 Crew, +2 Fire Control)
Damage: 3d10+2
Range Increment: .3 m (Front), 150 m (Down)

-Drop-Down Torpedo Launcher
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +5 (-1 Size, +4 Crew, +2 Fire Control)
Damage: 3d8
Range Increment: 300 m

Game Notes:
Neuro-Helmet- Adds +6 to Pilot

Neural Feedback- If HCA takes severe damage, roll 1d6. If 1 or 2 pilot takes 4d8 damage (not Shield Damage, Physical Damage).

Jet Pack- Allows 125 meters Vertical or 250 meters Horizontal Flight on 1 charge. 5 Charges Floats and WaterJet Allows movement on water while legs are not touching soil.

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