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Section of Site: Equipment D20Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARMOUREra: New RepublicCanon: No

Imperial Development Dark Trooper: Phase 03 Heavy Power Armor

The Phase 03 Dark Trooper was the climax of Dark Trooper development. Instead of being a fully automated droid, like the Phase 01 and 02 models, the Phase 03 is a power suit designed for a standard stormtrooper to wear.

Model: Imperial Development Dark Trooper: Phase 03
Type: Powered Armor
Cost: 30,000 credits
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 30kg
consumables: 2 weeks
DR: 11 (armor reflects 1/2 from blasters)
Max Dex Bonus: +0
Armor Check Penalty: -8
Speed: 6m (10m), 2m (6m)
Weight: 60kg
- Chromodex Integrated Targeting and Attack/Defense System (ITADS)
- Macrobinoculars
- Subspace Radio (750 kilometer range)

-Repeating blaster (swings over left shoulder)
Cost: Not Available for Sale
Damage: 5d8
Critical: 19-20
Range increment: 53m
Weight: 10kg
Stun Fort Save: none
Type: Energy
Multifire/Autofire: M/A
Size: large
Group: Heavy
Fire Control: +1 to Attack Bonus

-FTE-3e Missile Launcher (swings over left shoulder)
Cost: 30,000
Damage: 7d8
Critical: 20
Range Increment: 50m
Weight: 5 kg
Stun Fort DC: -
Type: Slashing
Size: Large
Group: Heavy
Ammo: 5

Game Notes: +3 temp bonus to STR while the suit is worn

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