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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

BlasTech 98l Sharpshooter

Production of the 98k blaster rifle started out with huge success for BlasTech and for the StormElite as well. But StormElite snipers, realizing the had no true, devoted sniper rifle, asked for a rifle that could suit them. The BlasTech 98l Sharpshooter was to be born.

Issued to to StormElite sharpshooters and snipers, the 98l blaster rifle has almost twice the accuracey and range of the 98k combat rifle and has a stopping power close to that of the T-21 light repeating blaster.

However, the blast clip of the 98l Sharpshooter is slightly larger than that of the original 98k's, so the ammunition in between each other are incompatable. And because of the 98l's stopping power, the blast clip can only contain 25 shots, as compared to the 50 carried by the 98k combat rifle.

The most noticable difference of the 98l Sharpshooter is the large scope that is on top of the weapon. Carrying a thermal imaging system directly in the weapon itself, the 98l's scope can pick up targets close to one mile away, and most talented snipers can probably hit and kill up to one mile.

Model: BlasTech 98l Sharpshooter Rifle
Type: Long-range sniper rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: BlasTech 98l Sharpshooter
Ammo: 25
Cost: Not available for sale
Availablitity: 3, X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 5-80/350/750
Damage: 6D
Game Notes: Thermal Imaging Scope: No darkness penalties apply while scope is in use. If the scope is used for one round of aiming, the user recieves an additional +2D to Blaster. Thermal Imaginging System Battery: The scope has enough internal power to last for three days of constant use. When this period is up, the user must replace the internal battery if he wants to take advantage of the bonuses above. Otherwise scope is useless.

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