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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

Imperial RB-XIIa Repeating Blaster

With the fall of the Empire as a whole many supply lines to outlying sectors were cut off. This was the case in the Imperial-held territory in the Palvar sector. Moff Jerr Uhlmann, Imperial commander in the Palvar sector, tried to compensate for the lack of new supplies by buying supplies and weapons from local corporations who jacked up the prices seeing an increased demand in their products. In order to save money (in both manufacturing and shipping), Moff Uhlmann ordered his meager research and development teams to work on a cheaper alternative to the Kashan weaponry that he had been purchasing. The resulting designs that the R&D engineers came up with was transferred to the
Delfii factories to go into immediate construction.

As their final task in creating a line of inexpensive yet reliable weaponry, the Palvar Imperial Munitions engineers chose to copy yet another design, the BlasTech/Merr-Sonn RB-XII medium repeating blaster. The engineers took the base design for the RB-XII and removed the grenade launcher. They were satisfied with the overall performance of the weapon and saw no areas in which they could significantly improve it while keeping the cost as low as possible. The base design was sent to the Delfii factories and the "new" RB-XIIa began to be issued to various commands throughout the Palvar sector, replacing the inferior Kashan B-12/r repeaters and the BlasTech T-21s that were standard in the Imperial Palvar military.

Model: Palvar Imperial Munitions RB-XIIa Repeating Blaster
Type: Medium repeating blaster
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: repeating blasters
Ammo: 200
Cost: 1,750 credits (power packs: 100)
Availability: 3, X
Fire Rate: 5
Range: 3-60/150/400
Damage: 6D+2

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