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Model MA5K Carbine

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Section of Site: Equipment D20Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

RB-23 General Purpose Medium Repeating Blaster

the most numerous and reliable repeating blaster in Imperial StormElite
service is the RB-23, or Repeating Blaster 23. Light and mobile, SE
infantry units can utilize the RB-23 under the most chaotic battlefield
scenarios in the galaxy.

The RB-23 is an air-cooled repeating blaster, and with that after a long
period of fire the barrel becomes out of alignment with its sights because
of the intense heat produced. So, in that sense, the barrel needs to be
changed after every 3000 or so blast bolts fired (however this may very
with battlefield situations).

To make the barrel changing process as quick as possible, the RB-23 has
a side-ejecting barrel that is as easy to remove as pressing a button on
the side of the weapon and pulling the barrel out. Once a new barrel is
slid in and locked in place, the RB-23 is ready for another 3000 blast
bolts of fire. Once the ejected barrel has cooled down for a few minutes,
it is reinserted into the weapon until the other barrel is cool.

The RB-23 is a rather voracious weapon. In theory, 2000 blast bolts per
minute (bb/m) can be fired from the weapon. That would make for [approx]
33 blast bolts per second, a very good statistic for any repeating blaster
crew. Ammunition for the RB-23 can vary from a simple 250-round attachment
blast pack to an unlimited round power generator hook-up. Generally, power
generators are incorporated whenever possible.

Model: BlasTech RB-23 Medium Repeating Blaster
Cost: 1,750cr (250-round pack: 250cr)
Damage: 5d8
Critical: 19-20
Range Increment: 57.5m
Weight: 20kg
Type: Energy
Size: Large
Group: Heavy
Ammo: 250 (Power Generator: Unlimited)
Singlefire/Multifire/Autofire: MF/AF (-2/-4)

Game Notes:
When a character is hit by an RB-23 shot, roll 1d6. If the roll is 1-3, roll normal damage. If the roll is 4-6, damage is x2 (because of the intense rate of fire, the character is likely to be hit by more than one bolt.)

The RB-23 must be fired from either its detachable bipod or a tripod, If fired without one of these two attachments, the MF/AF penalty returns to MF: -4/ AF: -6.

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