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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

AK-47 Automatic Rifle

Kashan Industries, one of the leading blaster manufacturers in the Palvar
Sector, recently introduced their first slugthrowing weapon, the AK-47, in
an attempt to steal some of the business away Mestic Munitions, who has been
quite successful in selling their M-series line of of automatic weapons along
with a variety of other slugthrowers, missiles, and bombs.

The AK-47 is nothing more than a cheap rip off of the M-16. Kashan
Industries purchased several dozen M-16s from Mestic through several
agents posing as merchants. Kashan's research and development department
studied the weapons and incorporated many of its aspects into their own
AK-47 design. However, Kashan Industries, having no real experience with any
sort of hand-held weapons other than blasters, finally released the AK-47 on
the open market, taking heavy losses due to its inferiority to the cheaper
and proven M-16.

The AK-47 itself doesn't resemble an M-16 in anyway. This was to make sure
that Mestic didn't notice the rip-off of their design quickly. The most
distinguishing features of the AK-47 are the bent ammunition clip and the
wooden stock.

Model: Kashan Industries A-series Kashan-47 Automatic Rifle
Type: .47 caliber automatic slugthrower rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms: auto-rifle
Ammo: 115
Cost: 2,500 credits (clips: 35)
Availabilty: 3, R
Range: 3-10/30/120
Fire Rate: 2 (semi-auto)
Damage: 4D+2 (semi-auto), 5D+1 (burst of 3 rounds)
Game Notes: On constant-fire mode the Ak-47 fires a burst of 5 rounds per
            shot. Once a hit is established, all following shots against
            nearby (1 meter) targets are one difficulty lower.

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