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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: New Jedi OrderCanon: EU

Name: Grutchin
Type: Yuuzhan Vong Genetically Created Insect

Dexterity: 3D
Perception: 5D
Strength: 4D+1

Special Abilities:
          Yuuzhan Vong Pet: Yuuzhan Vong Pets, like themselves, are completely indetectable through the Force, and cannot be directly affected by it (inderect methods, such as throwing a rock at the biot, still work, but powers such as Lightsaber Combat, Detect Life or Telekinesis do not work).
          Fearsome Appearance: The Grutchin is a large insectoid lifeform. It's appearance taps into the primal subconscious fear of insects, and thus it recieves an additional +1D intimidation.
          Claws: STR+2D (converts to match scale of opponent up to Starfighter scale)
          Mandibles: STR+3D (converts to match scale of opponent up to Starfighter scale)
          Acidic Secretions: The Grutchin's mandibles secreted acid that could quickly melt through metal, and made short work of flesh. Acid Damage 5D (converts to match scale of opponent up to starfighter scale: Character scale opponents receive no armor bonus)
          Armored Shell: The Grutchin's armor shell allows it to survive in space, and grants a 1D/1D protection against energy and physical attacks.

Move: 6 (on legs), 35 (atmosphere), 9 (space)
Size: 0.5 meter length
Orneriness: 8D+2

Description: "The grutchins may never come back, but neither do their victims."
          The Grutchin was a biologically created creature used by the Yuuzhan Vong. It was designed to combat starships by tearing through the hull with powerful claws and acidic mandibles, then killing whichever crew members survived the explosive decompression. Equipped with a strong armored shell, Grutchins could survive in space indefinately until they starved to death. Unlike other Yuuzhan Vong creatures, the Grutchins were mindless and untrainable. Once launched into combat, they could not be recalled. However, since the Grutchin's diet was comprised of metals and circuitry, Yuuzhan Vong ships were never in much of any danger.
          Grutchin were often bred in large breeding pools on Yuuzhan Vong warships. All Grutchins were inherintly bred to be male. Without a queen, reproduction was impossible for the creatures, and the species was kept alive by the same Yuuzhan Vong Shapers who genetically designed them. Gretchin larvae matured very quickly through an accelerated metamorphisis.

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