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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: EQUIPMENTEra: ImperialCanon: No

Lumnar LS-5 Light Shield

The LS-5 was the first publicly released lightshield created by Lumnar
Industries. Light Shields use different technology than typical energy
shields. It creates a field of invisible ionized static. It hangs
loosely around the wearer. When an energy blast or high velocity
projectile starts to pass through the field, it constricts and forms a
crystal clear energy shield that can deflect the attacks. The effect is
such that it looks like a glass bubble or the like suddenly appears
around the wearer deflecting the attack. Because the field protects
against firearms and has a much longer duration Light Shields are
preferable to standard energy shields. They are however much more
expensive and still do not deflect low velocity objects such as needle
guns, thrown knives, or melee attacks. Also these don't work off actual
pwoerpacks. They have rechargeable energy cells, and adapters come free
with the pruchase of the units so they can be recharged at home.

The LS-5 consists of two units worn on the forearms. The forearm units
consist of band around the wrist and halfway up the forearms and a
thick disc-like part that covers the back of the hand. One of the
forearm units always houses the controls for the LS-5. These can be
seen in the hands of some bounty hunters and mercenaries. They are
evry expensive though and have to be recharged often, and obviously
they cannot be kept on at all times.

Model: Lumnar Industries LS-5 Light Shield
Type: Personal shield generator
Scale: Character
Cost: 8,400
Availability 2, F
Effect: Adds +2D to character's Strength to resist damage from energy
        weapons and firearms. The shield has enough energy for 2 minutes(24 rounds)
        of continuous use.

Note: If the wild-die comes up as a 1 on a resist with the Light-Shield active one of two
things happens. On a re-roll of 1-5, the Light-Sheild shorts out and will not function until
repaired. on a re-roll of 6 the Light-Shield overloads and explodes doing damage equal to the
resist bonus offered by the shield unit.

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All text and stats by Dave Maloney,Set Anu-Bith, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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