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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

VerdanTech Energy Wakizashi

Verdant Technologies looked at the traditional jedi lgihtsaber and saw a great
market. People looked back on the 'good ole days' with spome fondness. The esoteric
nature of lgihtsabers could be capitalized on as VT saw it. Thye set about trying to
reproduce something at least clsoe to the lgihtsaber. What it created was the ER0 series
of weapons. Rather than using a focusing crystal like lightsaers, the ER0's use a special
crsytaline matrix. This makes the edge of the blade much less smooth, and it 'trails' somehwta
as it is swung' Energy is put through a sort of plasma infusion state. Using technolgy gleamed
from Lumnar Industires, an ether battery was devloped. This makes it so that the blades pull the
energy from the world around it, not needing a recharge. As was said ebfore, the enrgy is focused
into a partial plasma state, and when it is swung some of the enrgy can start to 'trail' behind the
blade as it is swung. The X08 was based off it's predecessor, but it's blade was shorter andactualy
curved a little less. It was designed for up close combat, and can be wielded in conjunction with
the X07.

Model: Verdant Technologies ER0-X08 Energy Wakizashi
Type: Energy Sword
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Combat: Energy Wakizashi
Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: STR+2D+2 (Max: 7D)

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