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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

Heavy Repeating Plasma Weapons Emplacement

BlasTech's RPG-3 (Repeating Plasma Gun) was based off of the widely popular
E-Web design with aspects of their newer plasma weapons line in mind. In
most respects, the RPG-3 appears to be an E-Web at first glance, however,
closer examination will reveal that indeed, it is the RPG-3. Distinquishing
features include a backup battery pack mounted under the main body of the
weapon that can store up to five extra shots just in case something happens
to the power generator, a targeting computer, motion detector, infra red
scanner, and a self destruct charge.

Model: BlasTech RPG-3
Type: Heavy repeating plasma weapons emplacement
Scale: Character
Skill: Plasma Weapons: RPG
Ammo: Unlimited (power generator), 5 (backup battery)
Cost: 12,550 credits
Availability: 2, X
Range: 3-70/200/450
Damage: 8D+1

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