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Section of Site: The Force D20Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Jedi PowersEra: ImperialCanon: No

Control Energy (WIS)
Requires Force-Sensitive, Sense and  Dissipate Energy Feats

Check: This was the second half of the Dissipate Energy force power
which was forgotten long ago. New developments have turned it up. Upon
a successful check a jedi may use this power to direct the energy
elsewhere or use it to add to his own power. In game terms a jedi may
use this to move the energy elsewhere along lines it would be able to
travel (example: Corran Horn is being jabbed by a stun baton. He uses
Dissipate Energy and sends the current through the metal decking. A
bothan walking by has his fur stand on end for a second) Or they may
use it to power another force skill. In this case, a Battlemind roll
is needed with the DC mentioned below, the vitality point cost for
battlemind is subtracted from the amount of energy gained. If the user
succeeds they get a bonus to the next force power they use equal to
the damage absorbed, minus the cost of Battlemind (example: Corran
Horn is in the middle of an intense explosion and uses dissipate
energy to stop the fire's effects. Because it's a powerful blast
let's assume it does 4d6 damage. He sucessfuly controls the fire's
energy and uses it to send an image out to everyone in the area of
him walking from the flames. He gets to add 4d6 to his affect mind
roll sending all the energy into that force power)

Energy Source
Intense Sun (DC Up to 10)
Fire (DC 11 - 15)
Blaster Bolts/Force Lightining (DC 16 - 20)
Solar Wind (DC 21 - 25)
Radiation Storm        (DC 26 - 30)

Note: A charchter inflicting damage, or having another person
inlfict damage for him, upon himself for the purposes of using
this power to drain energy receives a Dark Side Point. any charcter
using this power to enhance an offensive force power also recieves
a Dark Side Point.

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