Aiel is perhaps one of the most beautiful worlds in the entire sector but it
has recently begun to be exploited for its resources by the Palvar Defense
Force. Strategically, Aiel is a prime staging point for almost any military
action that might be launched into Imperial space.
Aiel is only PDF member world to have been almost forced into joining. The
Palvar Defense Force Navy deployed an entire squadron of capital combat
starships to the system to show to the local Aiel government just how much
their membership would mean to the PDF. Aarlis Nacirem, supreme commander of
the PDF and CEO of Kashan Systems, was able to convince the local government
that it would be in their best interest if they were to join.
As soon as Aiel did join into the Palvar Defense Force, Aarlis Nacirem
ordered the construction of a massive stardock in orbit for fleet repairs
as well as several training facilities and garrisons on the planet itself.
It is also rumored that Nacirem had a pair of KDY v-150 planet defenders
secretly installed as well as small planetary shield generator. Aiel serves
as the second largest training facility for new PDF personnel, second only
to Kashan itself.
Type: Terrestrial
Location: Mid Rim: Palvar Sector
Temperature: Warm
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moist
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Mountains, urban, plains, forests, jungles, oceans
Length of Day: 29.6 standard hours
Length of Year: 309 local days
Sapient Species: Humans, Itaanu, Zapoots
Starport: Standard
Population: 8,610,000,000 (estimated)
Planet Function: Military outpost, training facility
Government: Elected governor
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Troops, officers
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, cadets