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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Palvar SectorSubtype: PlanetsEra: New RepublicCanon: No


Fawl is the only planet orbiting the star by the same name. The planet is
very typical of many terrestrial worlds throughout the galaxy with a variety
of local wildlife and terrain with still much of the world untouched by the
ravages of sentient life.

Fawl was originally settled by Old Republic colonists nearly three to four
hundred years before the Clone Wars and has since grown quite well. Local
industry has prospered by trading between the major cities as many of the
firms cannot afford to ship their goods off world.

When the Empire arrived in the Palvar Sector the Fawl Senate quickly gave
into Imperial rule and an Imperial by the name of Merk Schenl was appointed
local governor. Fawl suffered many of the injustices that were typical of
the Empire - strict rule, harsh punishments, limited freedoms, etc. When the
Empire began to crumble and the Palvar Defense Force was formed, Fawl went
into full revolt, pitting civilians against Imperial troops. It was a bloody
battle and in the end Governor Schenl was killed and the Imperial troops
fled the planet. Fawl joined the Palvar Defense Force.

Today Fawl has come back to resemble what it used to be and the local senate
has been reformed (Governor Schenl made sure only Imperial loyalists were on
it). Fawl has little in the way of defense except for a few scattered bases
(mainly captured Imperial garrisons) and a small starfighter outpost on its
only moon but flight time between Fawl and its moon is nearly two hours at
top sublight speed.

Type: Terrestrial
Location: Mid Rim: Palvar Sector
Temperature: Cool
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Dry
Gravity: Light
Terrain: Urban, plains, forests
Length of Day: 25.6 standard hours
Length of Year: 435 local days
Sapient Species: Humans, various other species
Starport: Standard
Population: 1,560,000,000 (estimated)
Planet Function: Colony
Government: Local Senate
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Droids, computers, low tech
Major Imports: Mid tech, high tech

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