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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Palvar SectorSubtype: PlanetsEra: New RepublicCanon: No


Nexus is a hellish desert world located on the far side of the galaxy as
Kashan. Officially it is listed as 'uninhabited' on any sector maps. In
reality it houses a maximum security prison that was established by Kashan

The prison is located a few kilometers north of the planet's equator and
features extensive cooling and warming systems as the planet's temperature
dramatically changes through the course of its immensely long day. Prisoners
are kept in their cells (which average four-by-five meters in size) while
modified security droids patrol the various wings of the complex and service
the prisoners food once a day. If a prisoner requires medical attention,
he will not find it. Those send to Nexus are in a sense being sentenced to
death. Only when both bunk mates in a cell have died will a droid open the
cell to remove the bodies (there is usually a terrible stench in the air of
rotting flesh). The only non prisoner on the planet is the warden, Salm
Bumard. Only the worst criminals apprehended by the Palvar Defense Force
(or enemies of Kashan Systems) are sent to the prison. On average, there are
at least ten new arrivals every week to take the space of prisoners that
have perished there the week before. There are no spacecraft kept anywhere
on the planet and new prisoners are dropped in modified escape pods which
have been known to overshoot their landing zone and land in the middle of
the searing desert.

Kashan took interest in Nexus, not because of its hostile enviroment, but
because of its strong gravitational field. High above the planet in one of
the only two working hyperspace jumpgates anywhere in the galaxy (along with
a moderately sized task force to protect it). The other jumpgate is in high
orbit over Kashan itself. Nexus' strong gravitational field helps to pull
incoming starships out of hyperspace that have been sent through Kashan's
jumpgate. The actual chances that the Nexus jumpgate won't open in time is
fairly high and more than one ship has been forever lost in hyperspace. For
this reason, the jumpgates are rarely, if ever, used.

Type: Desert world
Location: Mid Rim: Palvar Sector
Temperature: Searing (dayside), Frigid (nightside)
Atmosphere: Type IV (enviroment suit required)
Hydrosphere: Arid
Gravity: Heavy
Terrain: Desert, mountains
Length of Day: 83 standard days
Length of Year: 311 local days
Sapient Species: Human, various other races
Starport: Standard
Population: 2,000 (estimated)
Planet Function: Prison
Government: Prison warden
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: None
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, prisoners

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