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Section of Site: Starships D20Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: TransportEra: ImperialCanon: No

Quasar Fire Bulk Freighter

The standard Quasar Fire bulk freighter is 340 meters long, with almost all
the interior space take up by the cavernous cargo bay. The crew is restricted
to the main upper deck which houses the crew and passenger quarters.

The main flight deck is similar to that found on many military cruisers with
enough space to install additional work stations for added flight systems. A
large open space in the center of the flight deck serves as an ideal point
for the installation of a holoprojector. The Virgillians took great advantage
of this when converting several of these freighters into starfighter carriers
to serve in their civil war. The Alliance would later receive a handful of
these converted freighters from the Virgillians.

Like many bulk freighters, the Quasar Fire is unarmed, lightly shielded, slow
and unmaneuverable making it useful only in its intended role. The Quasar Fire
bulk freighters were first designed during the years leading up to the fall of
the Old Republic and many can be found at greatly discounted prices.

Craft: SoroSuub "Quasar Fire" Bulk Freighter
Class: Capital ship
Size: Huge (340 m long)
Hyperdrive: x2 (backup x20)
Passangers: 50
Cargo Capacity: 200,000 tons
Consumables: 6 months
Cost: 3.2 million (new), 1.4 million (used)
Maximum Speed In Space:  ( squares/action)
Atmospheric Speed: Not applicable
Crew: 34 (Normal +2)
Initiative: +0 (-2 size, +2 crew)
Maneuver: +0 (-2 size, +2 crew)
Defense: 18 (-2 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 100 (DR 10)
Hull Points: 360 (DR 10)

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