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Section of Site: Starships D20Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: StarfighterEra: ImperialCanon: No

RanCorp Omega-Wing Interceptor

This interceptor is found in the mainstray of the RanCorp fleet but is for sale as well. The fighter is a cross between a Hapan fighter and a snuby. A shot more rounded off snubfighter fuselage lay at the center of the craft with long curving wings curving out and back around to the front of the craft giving it an elegant look. The craft resembles in shape the greek letter Omega and thus it got the name the Omega-Wing fighter.

On the nose of the craft are two auto-blasters, fire-linked. Then out beyond that on the tips of the wings and the curvutures of the wing are fire-linked blaster cannons. The craft is fast agile and well armored allowing it to fearlessly swoop in on enemy fighters and pick them off.

Some designers have been quoted as saying "Sure it looks like an omega but that ain't the real reason we named her that. We named it that cause it's the last kind fighter you'll ever face."

Craft: RanCorp Omega-Wing Interceptor
Class: Starfighter
Size: Tiny (16 m long)
Hyperdrive: x1
Passangers: None
Cargo Capacity: 15 kg
Consumables: 1 day
Cost: 120,000 credits (new)
Maximum Speed In Space: Ramming (10 squares/action)
Atmospheric Speed: 1,200 km/h (20 squares/action)
Crew: 1 (Normal +2)
Initiative: +4 (+2 size, +2 crew)
Maneuver: +4 (+2 size, +2 crew)
Defense: 22 (+2 size, +10 armor)
Shield Points: 60 (DR 5)
Hull Points: 80 (DR 5)
  2 Auto Blasters (fire-linked)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Attack Bonus: +5 (+2 size, +3 fire control)
    Damage: 3d10x2
    Range Modifiers: PB/S +0, M/L n/a
  3 Light Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Attack Bonus: +6 (+2 size, +4 fire control)
    Damage: 5d10x2
    Range Modifiers: PB/S +0, M/L n/a

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