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Section of Site: Star TrekBelongs to Faction: Subtype: Cast & CrewEra: TNGCanon: Crossover

Malcolm Reynolds’ Life & Family

       Reynolds was a soldier in a particularly lengthy and violent ground battle with the Cardassians. Even after the fighting was finished both sides left their soldiers in place while they negotiated a treaty, causing hundreds more to die from wounds and lack of medical care.


Malcolm Reynolds
"Just once I'd like things to go by the plan."

Name: Malcolm Reynolds
Rank: Captain
Species: Human       Sex: Male
Position: Captain of  

Fitness: 4
       Vitality: +1
Coordination: 4
       Dexterity: +1
       Reaction: +1
Intellect: 3
       Perception: +1
Presence: 3
       Willpower: +1
Psi: 0


Administration (Logistics) 2 [3]
Administration (Starship Administration) [3]
Athletics (Climbing) 2 [3]
Athletics (Running) [3]
Command (Starship) 3 [4]
Computer (Computer Simulation/Modeling ) 1 [2]
Culture (Human) 2 [3]
Diplomacy (Federation Frontier) 1 [2]
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1 [2]
History (Federation) 1 [2]
History (Human) 1 [2]
Language (Federation Standard) 2
Language (Mandarin) 3
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 2 [3]
Personal Equipment (Communicator) 1 [5]
Planetary Sciences (Mineralogy) 1 [2]
Planetside Survival (Arctic) 1 [2]
Space Science (Stellar Cartography) 2 [3]
Space Science (Warp Field Theory) [3]
Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 2 [3]
Shipboard Systems (Sensors) [3]
Starship Tactics (Cardassian) 3 [4]
Starship Tactics (Planetary Support Tactics) [4]
Starship Tactics (Romulan) [4]
Unarmed Combat (Brawling) 2 [3]
Vehicle Operations (Shuttlecraft) 1 [2]
World Knowledge (Earth) 1 [2]

Alertness +2
Bold +1
Department Head +1
Intolerant (Breen) +1
Promotion (Starfleet Captain) +5
Shady Background -2  
Species Enemy (Cardassians) -4  




       Aggression: 12       Discipline: 9        Initiative: 12
       Openness: 7          Skill: 13


WOUND LEVELS: 5/5/5/5/5/5/0

Comments made about this Article!

28/Jul/2011 17:48:00 Posted by JLaFleur {}

Um this aint Star Trek Cardassians don't exist in Firefly.

29/Jul/2011 00:16:48 Posted by FreddyB {}

Except, this is Malcolm Reynolds converted to the Star Trek RPG, therefore, Cardassians do exist (as do Phasers, the Federation and The Romulans, also all mentioned above).

01/Aug/2011 07:49:08 Posted by {}

No ground based tactics? Either way, looks good

01/Aug/2011 19:28:24 Posted by Anonymous {}

Well they were a work in progress I am not sure how far along I was when I stopped. I have many projects that I play with for a bit then leave and comeback later when the mood takes me. Nothing is ever finished just abandoned

10/Sep/2011 21:46:16 Posted by Kroiden {}

I thought Mal was absolutely deadly with pretty much any firearm. Just 1/2 on phasers seem a tad low. Should have atleast been the same as his brawling.

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