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Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: RepulsorliftEra: ImperialCanon: No

Imperial Cougar Medium Repulsortank

Developed shortly before the Battle of Hoth, the Cougar medium
repulsortank was contracted to the StormElite as an economic
variant of a repulsortank that could be produced at a rate close
to three times that of the Jagdghest. General of the Legion Alwen
Kowell, an experienced repulsortank commander, accepted the proposal.

The Cougar medium repulsortank is like that of any military's tank:
fast, agile, and well equipped. But, due to ‘quality over quantity'
tactics employed by the SE, the Cougar really didn't hold well with
StormElite repulsortank commanders. Cev-Narvon Industries lost it's
Cougar licensing contract just a week prior to the Battle of Endor.

Legion General Alwen Kowell and Under-General Freyler Von Sherrdon
both agreed that the tank was considered too much of a waste for ever
-depleting StormElite military funds. It was discontinued just in the
nick of time: the Empire was to fall a week later.

Craft: Cev-Narvon Imperial Cougar Medium Repulsortank
Type: Medium repulsortank
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: Cougar repulsortank
Crew: 2, gunners: 2
Crew Skill: Repulsorlift operation 4D+1, vehicle blasters 4D,
               missile weapons 3D+2
Passengers: 2
Cargo Capacity: 125 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level - 3 meters
Cost: Not available for sale
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Move: 35; 100 kmh
Body Strength: 4D front; 3D+2 sides; 3D+1 rear; 2D beneath
Heavy Laser Cannon
        Fire Arc: Turret
        Crew: 1
        Skill: Vehicle blasters
        Fire Control: 2D
        Range: 10-500/1.5/3 km
        Damage: 6D
Heavy Repeating Blaster
        Fire Arc: Turret (Coax with heavy laser cannon)
        Crew: 1
        Scale: Character
        Skill: Vehicle blasters
        Fire Control: 1D+1
        Range: 3-75/200/500
        Damage: 6D
Smoke Generator Unit
        Fire Arc: Back
        Crew: 1 (same as heavy laser cannon)
        Skill: Missile weapons
        Fire Control: 0D
        Area of Effect: 10 meters
        Effect/Damage: +2D to the difficulty of any search, Perception, or
                       ranged weapon skill until smoke effect clears.
                       Smoke last for 6D rounds.

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All text and stats by Craig Marx,Overlord, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
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