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Section of Site: Vehicles D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: RepulsorliftEra: ImperialCanon: No

Harkonnen Ornithopter
1/2 jet, and 1/2 helicopter, the 'thopter uses jet engines to propel itself
when speed is the necessity, and is often used in combat.  It uses its twin
fan-like rear engines when stealth is required, or to conserve fuel.
Oftentimes referred to as "the flying wing", the Harkonnen ornithopter from
a distance bears resemblance to a great albatross, since it is in effect a
pair of slightly bowed wings joined together at the cockpit.  Weapons are
mounted under each wing.  Harkonnen 'thopters are far sleeker, and
therefore, look to be more maneuverable than Atreides 'thopters.  However,
since the Atreides design uses a more efficient engine and a better wing
design, their thopter is the better.  Harkonnen thopters also have a smaller
payload than their Atreides cousins, due to the limited room under the
wings.  Also, Harkonnen 'thopters can't carry personnel.

Craft: Harkonnen Air Superiority Ornithopter
Type: Air Superiority Ornithopter
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Ornithopter Operation
Crew: 2, gunners, 1
Crew Skill: Varies Widely
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 20 kg
Altitude Range: 100, 800
Cost: 12,000
Manueverability: 2D
Body Strength: 2D
Shields: 1D

1 Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 50-200/1/2km
Damage: 2D

2 Concussion Missile Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Missile Weapons
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 25-50/100/150
Damage: 5D

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