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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: ImperialCanon: Crossover

Cylon Civilian

   Blaster 3D+2, Brawling Parry 3D, Dodge 3D, Melee Combat 3D.
   Bureacracy (Cylon Empire) 3D, Scholar (Pick specific subject according to the Cylon's role in society) 4D, Value 3D,
   Communications 3D, Ground Vehicle Operations 3D, Hover Vehicle Operations 3D.
   Search 3D.
   Brawling 3D, Lifting 3D+1.
   (Pick +3D worth of repair skills according to the Cylon Civilian's role in Cylon society.  It can either be one devoted skill at +3D above attribute, or these dice can be divided among two or three seperate skills).

Equipped With:
-Humanoid body (two arms, two legs, head)
-Audio and Visual Sensors, human range.
-Body armor (+1D to resist Physical, Energy and Ballistic damage)
-Laser Rifle (5D damage)
-Vocabulator speech and sound system. (Though they are never seen using it, so they may not have this)

Move: 10
Size: 1.5 meters tall.

   Cylon civilian models are present at non-military locations. They fill the day-to-day support roles that the rest of the models need accomplished in order to keep the empire a well-oiled machine. They wear gold-colored hooded robes, with their only apparent robotic features being their faces.
   The only time the crew of Galactica encounters any Cylon civilian models is during their raid on Gamoray. The Imperious Leader gives a speech to a crowd that consists largely of civilian models, dedicating the new southern center of culture. These same civilian models wander outside the building after the planetary defenses are destroyed, and many are killed by Viper strafing runs.
   Cylon civilian models are capable of combat. During the Battle of Gamoray a few civilian models fire laser rifles at Boomer and Starbuck, before being destroyed by Starbuck's hand mine (The Living Legend, Part II).

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