Th'Ta Manufacturing TA-11LB Tight Bore and TA-11Wide Bore SB Riot Guns
type: multi-barrel riot guns
skill: Blaster: pulse rifle
availability: 4 X
cost: 2000 (25) [2750 (25)]
range: 3-10/30/60 [2-5/20/40]
fire rate: 1
ammo: 6
damage: 4D+1 [4D]
notes: The TA-11LB does damage in a 15 degree arc (7.5 degrees from line of sight). [The TA-SB does damage in a 30 degree arc (15 degrees from line of sight)]
Capsule: Again, the folks at Th'Ta have made a wonderful weapon, and due to their small scale and remote location, most of us can't experance it. Typical of riot guns, the TA-11 series has multiple, fixed barrels, that are splayed apart in what often called a "bird's foot" or "fan" pattern. Each of these barrels has an individual exciter, prismatic crystal housing and actuating blaster module, alloying them to build up a bolt on their own, yet not interfere with it's neigbors. The TA-11LB has longer, tightly bundled barrels for longer range and a tighter group, while the -11SB has short barrels that spread radically, giving a very wide, short range spread. The -11LB's barrels create a cone of fire that spreads to 7.5 degrees from the line of sight, with the -SB's spread being twice that. Anything there is in for some major pain. (note: the stats fro the TA-11SB are shown in the brackets)
Game Notes: Riot guns effect a large area, but they do have holes in their pattern. Each target in he field of fire must make successful Dodge roll, or be hit.