Craft: Neogi Urchin
Type: Messenger/starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 5 meter radius, 10 m radius including spikes.
Skill: starfighter piloting: Urchin (note that due to the special configuration of the controls that allows Neogi to use them, this ship cannot be piloted by non-Neogi without a 3D penalty to all manuevers, unless the Urchin specialization is learned)
Crew: 3, skeleton: 1, gunners: 0
Cargo Capacity: 1.5 tons
Consumables: 3 months
Hyperdrive: X2
Backup: -
Nav Comp: yes
Manueverability: 2D
Space: 3
Hull: 1D
Shields: 0D+1
Sensors: 20/0D, 40/1D, 80/1D+2, 2/2D+1
Ram mines
fire arc: all
crew: pilot
range: contact
skill: starship piloting
fire control: 0D
damage: 7D+2
Capsule: The Urchin is the smallest ship used by the Neogi, and is a departure from their common arachnid-themed ships. Essentially the Urchin is a small sphere covered with long spikes. These spikes actually have high-yield shaped charges on the ends so that if they come into contact with anything while armed they will explode outward. If this occurs it will lightly damage the Urchin, but it will otherwise be unharmed.
The primary purpose of the Urchin is to serve as a messenger. It is an extremely cramped and uncomfortable ship, and the Neogi assigned to them will always be of the lowest possible standing. A secondary purpose to which the Urchin is sometimes put is that of a fighter. It is not as successful in this roll as it is in the role of a messenger, primarily due to its fairly low speed and lack of ranged weaponry, although if a number of Urchins can get close to a slow-moving target they can cause
significant damage with their ram-mines. The ram-mines were first designed as a way to keep enemies from capturing a messenger and learning what the message was. The mines would be armed before the Urchin was brought aboard the enemy ship, and upon contact would cause massive destruction. The mines are much less effective in attack than they are in this defensive role. Urchins can be quite useful if a Deathspider carrying them is being chased however, as the Urchins can be strewn directly in the path of the oncoming ship in such a manner so that they cannot easily be avoided. This will often destroy the attacking ship, or at least slow it down long enough for the Deathspider to escape.