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Light Frigate

Light Frigate
Mon Mothma

Mon Mothma


Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: CapitalEra: ImperialCanon: No

MSC ships
Craft: FNASS MSC Dry Class
Type: escort starfighter carrier
Scale: capital
Dimensions: length between 135.6 m and 139.9 m, beam between 17.1 m and 17.7 m
Crew: 52, gunners: 10
Passengers: up to 48 (pilots and other aircrew)
Cargo Capacity: 6,000 tons
Consumables: 6 months
Hyperdrive: none
Maneuverability: 0D
Space: 2
Hull: 1D+1
Shields: none
Sensors: 5/0D; 10/0D+1; 15/1D; 1/1D+1
1 Heavy Blaster
    Fa: forward-port-starboard
    Crew: 2
    Fc: 0D+2
    Space range: 2-8/25/50
    Damage: 1D+2
2 Light Blasters
    Fa: 1 port, 1 starboard
    Crew: 1
    Fc: 1D
    Scale: starfighter
    Space range: 1-3/6/10
    Damage: 3D+1
6 Light Railguns
    Fa: 2 front, 2 port, 2 starboard
    Crew: 1
    Fc: 2D
    Scale: Starfighter
    Space range: 1-3/6/10
    Damage: 2D
Starfighters: 4
Craft: FNASS MSC Tanker Class
Type: escort starfighter carrier
Scale: capital
Dimensions: length between 146.7 m and 148 m, beam between 18 m and 18.8 m
Crew: 54, gunners: 8
Passengers: up to 48 (pilots and other aircrew)
Cargo Capacity: 7,000 tons
Consumables: 6 months
Hyperdrive: none
Maneuverability: 0D
Space: 1
Hull: 1D+1
Shields: none
Sensors: 5/0D; 10/0D+1; 15/1D; 1/1D+1
1 Heavy Blaster
    Fa: forward-port-starboard
    Crew: 2
    Fc: 0D+2
    Space range: 2-8/25/50
    Damage: 1D+2
6 Light Railguns
    Fa: 2 front, 2 port, 2 starboard
    Crew: 1
    Fc: 2D
    Scale: Starfighter
    Space range: 1-3/6/10
    Damage: 2D
Starfighters: 4
Craft: FNASS MSC Shell Class
Type: escort starfighter carrier
Scale: capital
Dimensions: length between 146.5 m and 147 m, beam 18 m
Crew: 49, gunners: 8
Passengers: up to 48 (pilots and other aircrew)
Cargo Capacity: 6,500 tons
Consumables: 6 months
Hyperdrive: none
Maneuverability: 0D
Space: 2
Hull: 1D+1
Shields: none
Sensors: 5/0D; 10/0D+1; 15/1D; 1/1D+1
1 Heavy Blaster
    Fa: forward-port-starboard
    Crew: 2
    Fc: 0D+2
    Space range: 2-8/25/50
    Damage: 1D+2
6 Light Railguns
    Fa: 2 front, 2 port, 2 starboard
    Crew: 1
    Fc: 2D
    Scale: Starfighter
    Space range: 1-3/6/10
    Damage: 2D
Starfighters: 4
Capsule: The MSC program (Merchant Starfighter Carrier) was a solution to the urgent need for escort carriers. These were partially converted merchant ships which still retained a large portion of their cargo capacities, while having exterior docking clamps and retrieval systems for a number of fighters. The Dry class of these ships were converted from grain carriers, and included a small hangar which fighters could be brought into. 6 of these vessels were converted. The Tanker class, and the Shell class were converted from tankers which transported liquid fuel for starships (Noqtuar starships use a volatile mixture of processed fossil fuels and, more importantly, radioactive materials). The Admiralty had doubts about the fire risks involved in such ships, but went along with the idea anyway when a fuel company effectively donated 9 of their tankers (which would become the Shell class). At this point the Admiralty decided to go along with the idea and convert 4 more tankers (the Tanker class). None of the tankers in either the Tanker class or the Shell class are equipped with hangars, both relying solely on exterior mounts for their starfighters. Only the flight personnel of the MSC ships are in the FNA navy, with the remainder of the crew being part of the Merchant Space Corps. This has actually led to the ships being integrated more fully with the convoys which they protect than with the escort forces, despite having generally worse handling than the escort vessels. The MSC ships have made a valuable contribution to the war effort, and so far none have been lost, despite the fears about the volatility of the cargoes carried by the tankers. It should be noted that the small crew requirements of the MSC ships compared to military vessels means that crews are more likely to tire easily, and damage control is much more difficult. The game effects of these conditions are left up to the GM.

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